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Crankshaft Pulley
geoffxt - 23/7/10 at 10:24 AM

I'm still looking for a 2litre pinton crankshaft pulley to fix my megajolt trigger wheel to. Diameter approx 115mm.
Surely someone has one spare????
Can if you wish swap for a brand new double pulley!

mcerd1 - 23/7/10 at 11:52 AM

they come up on ebay every now and then....

I've got one, but its cracked
so I took some sizes, tweaked it a bit and got one of these made

[Edited on 23/7/2010 by mcerd1]

blakep82 - 23/7/10 at 02:08 PM

flak monkey likes making pulleys (well, don't know if he likes making them... but he can make them)

maybe he could make one with a trigger wheel built in?

mcerd1 - 25/7/10 at 08:47 PM

the trigger wheel needs to be made of steel/iron or it won't work

paulf - 25/7/10 at 09:24 PM

Hi Geoff could you use the one you have if machined to fit the trigger wheel ? if so then you could call over some time with it and im sure I could machine it for you.

Originally posted by geoffxt
I'm still looking for a 2litre pinton crankshaft pulley to fix my megajolt trigger wheel to. Diameter approx 115mm.
Surely someone has one spare????
Can if you wish swap for a brand new double pulley!

geoffxt - 26/7/10 at 09:08 AM

Hi Paul,
Thats a very kind offer. Do you reckon that you can cut/turn off the front section of the double pulley it's a cast one?

paulf - 26/7/10 at 09:45 AM

Probably, I cant remember exactly what the pinto pulley is like but assume it is just a solid cast pulley with 2 vees ? have you got a trigger wheel yet ? if so then as long as theres enough metal to turn down to leave a spigot for the wheel then it should be ok, the wheel will want a few screws through it to retain it also.

Originally posted by geoffxt
Hi Paul,
Thats a very kind offer. Do you reckon that you can cut/turn off the front section of the double pulley it's a cast one?

geoffxt - 26/7/10 at 12:45 PM

The pulley is a solid one with two vee's and I believe that it should be possible to remove the front of the pulley on your lathe. There should be enough of the pulley left to attach the trigger wheel (which I do have) onto the remaining part of the pulley. How you do it I need to work out. I'll try this evening to send you a couple of pictures by email. Cheers mate!

mcerd1 - 26/7/10 at 12:55 PM

^^^ sounds like the locost version of my one