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MX5 Haynes manual wanted
CRAIGR - 24/7/11 at 04:55 PM

Anyone got an mx5 mk1/mk2 haynes manual they no longer need. ??

pdm - 24/7/11 at 05:22 PM

I've got a pdf of the full workshop manual if thats any good - it's for a 90-93 and is US version.

I've got a Haynes one as well and to be honest it's a bit generic really.

If you want the PDF U2U me with your email and I'll send it to you.

indykid - 24/7/11 at 06:12 PM

The rod grainger manual is the one to have

thefreak - 24/7/11 at 06:23 PM

I agree. It's only £20 on amazon, well worth every penny.
I've used it to do the head gasket, rear brakes and several other jobs and it pointed out a couple of things I wouldn't have realised going through it on my own.

CRAIGR - 24/7/11 at 06:31 PM

Think i already have that but it has no wiring diagrams which the haynes does.

indykid - 24/7/11 at 08:34 PM

Well you didn't say that......

You probably want this then

CRAIGR - 24/7/11 at 08:46 PM

Super smashing grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat !!