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Swivel castors
David Jenkins - 5/6/07 at 09:54 PM

I need 4 big swivel castors - the type with a flat plate that can be screwed to a plywood board. I'm looking for castors with a wheel around 4 or 5 inches, maybe even bigger.

Does anyone have a set, or can suggest a sensibly-priced source?


TGR-ECOSSE - 5/6/07 at 10:00 PM

I've got Nun here but am sure i have seen castors in B&Q or maybe Screwfix.
Cheers Ronnie..

ady8077 - 5/6/07 at 10:01 PM


Have you tried machine mart?


JoelP - 5/6/07 at 10:04 PM

here's the MM link:

8" swivel wheel 150kgs is £20.

[Edited on 5/6/07 by JoelP]

Chippy - 5/6/07 at 10:11 PM

Screwfix, do all types of casters, check out there web site. Have found them to be less expensive than most supliers. HTH Ray

ReMan - 5/6/07 at 10:36 PM
Got these from a cheepo, cfar-boot type stand for about £4 each istr

How about borrowing or erm rescuing a shopping trolley?

Peteff - 5/6/07 at 11:08 PM

Supermarket bread trolleys have the non marking plate fitting type as in the MM link

locogeoff - 6/6/07 at 12:06 AM

I would second the supermarket trolley, and pick the right type because they can also yield good quality oval section wishbone material, about two trolleys is enough, for your months shopping of course ahem...

MG David - 6/6/07 at 01:44 PM

I have always wondered what the legal situation is when you rescue an abandoned shopping trolley.

Are you clearing up litter or are you handling stolen goods?

I have always seen it as a bit more dodgy than recycling something from a skip.

David Jenkins - 6/6/07 at 02:21 PM

Just looked at the price of large castors on MM and Screwfix - Eek!

Just found a few suppliers on Ebay - will investigate there...

ChrisW - 6/6/07 at 02:46 PM

We had a garden full of them when I was a student because people kept 'borrowing' them from the supermarket to get their shopping home. Nothing to do with me I might add (I had a car!)

Every now and again, someone would be skint and desperate for a pint, and would take a hammer to them to get the £1 coins out. Suprisingly tough those locks!


Originally posted by MG David
I have always wondered what the legal situation is when you rescue an abandoned shopping trolley.

Are you clearing up litter or are you handling stolen goods?

I have always seen it as a bit more dodgy than recycling something from a skip.

omega 24 v6 - 6/6/07 at 04:47 PM

Saw a catalogue at work today with just these items here's a link to there site although I don't know if they're trade only.Round things

David Jenkins - 6/6/07 at 04:52 PM

it's OK - I've just placed an order with an ebay shop, for a set of four 125mm swivel castors, £19.99 inc. delivery.

Equivalent from Machine Mart would have been £54 + delivery (or petrol consumed driving 14 miles there and back to their nearest branch in Colchester).

907 - 6/6/07 at 05:04 PM

Must type faster

Paul G Rescued attachment 8-wheels-s.jpg
Rescued attachment 8-wheels-s.jpg

Peteff - 6/6/07 at 05:28 PM

Cut the chain and use the key, they break with a pair of pliers.