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Is this as good as it looks?
crossedthread - 7/3/06 at 08:25 PM

I was just looking at an Evolution Rage circular saw in B&Q (£99) and the salesman came over to tell me that he has one and it works a treat. He was well into steel fabrication and seemed a genuine chap.

Blades cost £20 and will cut 60 metres of 6mm plate.

Looks ideal for a bit of chassis building.

Anyone use one?

trikerneil - 7/3/06 at 08:43 PM

I wonder if it would be worth buying a blade and fitting it in an ordinary circular saw, in a true Locost stylee?

theconrodkid - 7/3/06 at 09:27 PM

i got a proper chop saw from screwfix £25 and some metal cutting blades,had to "adapt" for them to fit,those £20 blades look like they will fit without "adapting"

crossedthread - 7/3/06 at 09:36 PM

I talked about this with the guy in the shop. Apparently it's the gearbox which makes all the difference. It's 1 3/4 horsepower(?) and spins at 3500 rpm which is different to other saws.


johnjulie - 10/3/06 at 07:17 PM

Video does look impressive, I must admit.
It's justifying the £100 that's the problem!
Cheers John

Peteff - 10/3/06 at 08:05 PM

I don't think it will be much use for locost building, the only sheet you want to cut is for the floor and the sides. That kind of handheld saw is not much good for cutting steel section like the chassis box, you need to see the line you are following and it will be underneath the baseplate before the blade gets to it. I have a 7" circular saw and it's no good for anything less than 3"x2" but it's great for boarding and worktops.