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Claw Hammers - Pet Peeve!
Fred W B - 9/3/06 at 11:27 AM

GOM (grumpy old man), BOF (boring old .......), Pedant, etc mode on!

Am I the only one who cringes when walking through the pits and I see someone working on a car/kart/bike with a claw hammer - you use a ball peen hammer in mechanical work, claw hammers are for woodwork! Yet I see people doing this often.

Okay, mode off - I feel better now.


Fred W B

[Edited on 9/3/06 by Fred W B]

BKLOCO - 9/3/06 at 11:34 AM

Or cross pein (not spelled peen!)

Avoneer - 9/3/06 at 12:04 PM

Rubber mallet all the way for me


Phil.J - 9/3/06 at 12:15 PM

Better not look in my pit then! If it needs hitting and there is a rush, I'm not really very particular what the back-end of the hammer looks like!

ufe777 - 9/3/06 at 12:31 PM

possibly appropriate if you were working on a Morgan...

Howlor - 9/3/06 at 12:35 PM

When I nod my head you hit it!

Anything will do.

trikerneil - 9/3/06 at 12:38 PM

I've always thought that a claw hammer pre-supposed that you would get it wrong and the nail would need removing.
Bit of a defeatists tool if you ask me.

[Edited on 9/3/06 by trikerneil]

Locost? - 9/3/06 at 12:45 PM

claw hammer
ball pein hammer
lump hammer
big adjustable spanner
heel of hand

all the same to me when needs must

omega 24 v6 - 9/3/06 at 12:47 PM

BIG is good

David Jenkins - 9/3/06 at 12:53 PM

And how many of you use a claw hammer to fix masonry nails?

(Hint: you should use an engineering hammer, 'cos the nail is harder than an ordinary claw hammer face, leading to a risk of flying splinters.)


NS Dev - 9/3/06 at 12:55 PM

Yep, same pet hate here too!

Peteff - 9/3/06 at 01:00 PM

I have a collection of ball pein hammers and claw hammers strategically placed so I don't have to search too far for one. As for claw hammers being defeatist, when you use as much recycled timber as I do they are an essential.

Taz Surfleet - 9/3/06 at 02:25 PM

Dont you use a claw hammer for building a locust ??

mandbsheldon - 9/3/06 at 04:09 PM

Yes, don't ya just hate it when you have to use one of the wifes best knifes to undo that screw, when you can't find a flat head screwdriver

Avoneer - 9/3/06 at 04:20 PM

Best thing for removing a Sierra Diff seal a claw hammer is.


David Jenkins - 9/3/06 at 04:25 PM

I have a range of ball-pein hammers, from 4oz up to 2lb. When you hit something with the 2-pounder, it stays hit!

indykid - 9/3/06 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
When you hit something with the 2-pounder, it stays hit!

yep, my knee knows that one after my 36 ouncer bounced at it!

i've got a 12oz for little stuff, and if i can't hit it hard enough with that, i get the beast out.

i love big hammers. when are you gonna get a ball pein pat?


David Jenkins - 9/3/06 at 08:23 PM

Here's most of my collection - one or two more are currently 'mis-placed'

David Rescued attachment dscf0003.jpg
Rescued attachment dscf0003.jpg

owelly - 11/3/06 at 03:11 AM

All this made me chuckle. I harumph at folk who use the wrong hammer. And I get miffed when older chaps chastise the young'uns for 'choking' the hammer.
If all you have in your hand is a big hammer, then why try to wobble it around doing a tickle job? Wring its neck I say!
Rant/chuckle over..