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7 v Vista v XP
907 - 12/11/09 at 09:31 AM

Hi All,

We have two pooters in the house, a PC running XP home, (built by local pooter shop, no probs)
and a Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo lappy running Vista basic.

The lappy is sooooooo slowwwww that if you look for an item on eBay by the time it comes up on the screen the items sold.

Both run AVG.

Now, a mate has offered to install Windows 7 on both. (legit copies) He says it's better.

So, do I...

1. Keep what I've got?
2. 7 on the lappy and keep XP on the PC?
3. 7 on both?

Neither of us are particularly clever when it comes to pooters (read numpties)
so the same system on both would have advantages, (i.e. help each other).

What to do???

Paul & Aileen G

smart51 - 12/11/09 at 09:34 AM

More on topic, when do Caterham start to sue Microsoft for calling one of their products "7"?

BenB - 12/11/09 at 09:38 AM

It depends on spec fundamentally. I'd be tempted to ditch Vista but keep XP.... eventually though XP will stop getting updates and will therefore become malware city so if your desktop will hack 7 I'd jump ship now. Though it does depend if you have any crutial programs that require XP as XP-mode in Vista/7 isn't perfect....

mangogrooveworkshop - 12/11/09 at 09:41 AM

Originally posted by smart51
More on topic, when do Caterham start to sue Microsoft for calling one of their products "7"?

Thats a good point ......... reformat the laptop and get it some more memory ££££££££
or the locost way ubantu the lap top and leave the other one to carry on just as it is.

AdamR - 12/11/09 at 09:45 AM

Definitely put 7 on your laptop, it's way better/faster than Vista. Make sure you do a clean install rather than an upgrade (remembering to backup all the files you want to keep first of course).

As for replacing XP, I would probably recommend leaving as is. I've found it difficult to get Windows 7 drivers for some older hardware. If it's not broke and all that....

As for AVG, I've experimented with a number of antivirus packages over the years and have come to the conclusion that non of 'em are worth it! They are too intrusive and slow everything down. Controversial I know, but I have yet to have any downtime/lost files due to virus infections. It's a much better idea to take regular backups IMO.

zilspeed - 12/11/09 at 09:57 AM

After reading this thread on vista, I felt compelled to shut down, reboot in Kubuntu and say that it doesn't have to be Microsoft.

Response typed from inside Konqueror web browser complete with spell checker, unlike my version of internet explorer. So, no typos today.

m8kwr - 12/11/09 at 10:01 AM

I run Win7 on my desktop, surperb, used to run XP, never liked Vista.

Get some more ram for your laptop though (try and max it), but does depend on the processor you have it in though.

My clean install of 7 took about 25 minutes, with not a lot of prompts, i think they have finally thought about the end user not having to sit there clicking through it at last!!! It found all the drivers.

As for antivirus etc, i have tried all the free ones, pretty much all the same. Norton and Mcafree i would never install, as i have found they slow your computer down.

I downloaded Windows Security Essentials, completely free, and you can install in on XP and Vista. Not had a problem

I would change both of them, if i were you, keep both system the same OS, then learn where everything is a bit quicker, and not having to remember 2 systems, but once you have used 7, you will like it

chrsgrain - 12/11/09 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by m8kwr
once you have used 7, you will like it

No you won't - its still shit, non intuitive overblown crap...


Conflict of interest declaration - I use a Mac whenever possible, then linux if I can, then Windoze as a last resort

Fozzie - 12/11/09 at 12:07 PM

AVG is known to slow 'puters down ..... try avast! home edition (free)......

For the rest of it, haven't quite decided on windoze 7, but would ditch the vista at least....


bimbleuk - 12/11/09 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
AVG is known to slow 'puters down ..... try avast! home edition (free)......

For the rest of it, haven't quite decided on windoze 7, but would ditch the vista at least....


Got to agree try removing AVG first then see if its much faster to boot etc.

I've had a couple of recent instances where AVG was causing a lot of slow downs.

As for Windows 7 I'm using it on my HTPC and main PC and both are fine. Ones high spec the other is midling, RAm is quite crucial for max performance. Vista is just flawed though better since the service packs have been released.

Davey D - 12/11/09 at 01:11 PM

Putting windows 7 on a computer will not make it run faster than XP, especially not an old computer.

i may be way off mark here, but i havent seen a single Fujitsu Siemens computer ( desktop or laptop) that isnt a pile of junk spec wise. there is a reason it came with vista basic!

i bet it is a celeron with 1Gb ram?

if it is that spec id add a few more Gb ram, and install Ubuntu, or XP

People always slate vista how it runs slowly, but most of the time it was because the computer was low spec. If the minimum spec recommended with vista was higher, then none would have the problems that they do. people just installed it expecting miracles.

i have Vista x64 Ultimate installed on my home laptop (intel T9600, 4Gb DDR3, Nvidia 9800gts) and vista runs perfect.

Likewise my desktop here at work is running Vista x64 Business (Intel Q6700, 4Gb DDR2, Nvidia Quadro) and it too runs perfectly

[Edited on 12/11/09 by Davey D]

wilkingj - 12/11/09 at 01:15 PM

I will NEVER update my Microsoft based computer until the First Service pack has been issued.

They all hailed Vista as being the best thing since sliced bread... Now we all know differently.

MS will get their product to market with all the trumpeting of a herd of African Elephants (normal for 99% of all companies with whatever product they produce)
However, we all know from experience it will have its fair share of problems which they will fix with patches and then the service packs.
I am not knocking the MS systems, but I stick to my way of not changing until at least the first Service pack is released.

As for your laptop....

It depends on what you want to use it for.
If its just web browsing, email, letters, and a few spreadsheets...
Then go for Ubuntu (Linux) and Open Office (also free).
If you need a commercial programme to run a business, then perhaps I would stick with XP (with all the service packs and patches in place) until Win7 Service Pack 1 is released..

If you use Internet banking or any services that I would make sure you use all available security, all patches, and good Antivirus software (Not the free ones).

A programme MAY be FREE... but there is no such thing as a free lunch on the Internet. They are usually getting something from you, be it presenting you with advertising, or your usage of the PC and internet.


Q: Why is Linux like a Wigwam?

A: No Windows or Gates, and only Apache inside

If you laughed instantly at the above joke, you might be, or border on being a GEEK!

yellow melos - 12/11/09 at 01:51 PM

You have to look constructively at what you want and what you actually need....

XP on the same spec PC will always be faster because it was designed for lower spec machines ( that where fast when it came out in 2003 ) but does not have all the bells and whistles that Vista and & have.

but are you actually going to use the new features of 7 ????

i doubt that very much, as it sounds like your the kind of user that will do the basic things with a machine... e.g. surf the net, online banking ... e-mail ... checking the locostbuilders forum... may be listen to music and look at pictures, video's and DVD's.

Q1. Can you do this on both machines ???
Q2. will a new OS allow you do things that your current XP or Vista cannot ???
Q3. are the machine spec upto windows 7 requirements ??

A1. this is a question for you.. but i suspect the answer is yes... so no upgrade required.
A2. again i suspect the answer will be no upgrade required.
Q3. without the specs of the machine i suspect that only the machine with vista will be able to run.. but do you want to spend the money ???

With regards to windows XP updates you will continue to get these until 2013 as MS have a 10 year product cycle... but because this OS is still put on the Atom processor and kids laptops i suspect these update will continue long after this time.

With regards to the Antivirus software... all of them will slow down your machine because they are scanning all I/O on the machine... speed comes down to spec again.. changing one version for another will probably not make that much difference but trying to remove one and install another can be problematic... best leave as is....

and with changing the OS completely... unless you are competent and can easily get used to a new one .. then change... if you like windows and are used to it... don't.

so my personal opinion is....

XP Machine.. leave as is.
Vista machine... if you want to upgrade.. do so but put the equivenlent version of 7 on... ( e.g. Visat home.. put 7 Home on )
if you want a higher version.. make sure the machine has enough power/memory to run it.


Stu - MCPS

907 - 12/11/09 at 03:17 PM

Thanks very much for the advice everyone.

Yup, the lappy does have a CeleronM sticker on it.

Perhaps I should also say that this is a freebie, so this rules out other systems.

I get the impression that the thing to do is keep the XP on the PC and take up the offer of 7 on the lappy.
I'll ask if more memory is a possibility at the same time, but I will have to cough up for that one.

Thanks for your help.

Paul G

Peteff - 12/11/09 at 04:16 PM

I use AVG but the last update to 9 slowed my browsing down no end till I knocked the active surf shield in the link scanner off and it's back to normal now. This computer is running Vista and has never given any problems, I never used XP so don't have a comparison but I know it starts up in 39 seconds and runs anything I need.

Staple balls - 12/11/09 at 04:47 PM

I'd see if he can swap XP onto the laptop, and stick 7 on the PC, but that's just me.

britishtrident - 13/11/09 at 11:23 AM

On my Windows PC's I would still be running Windows NT if I could get drivers, Xp is actually pretty good provided SP3 is given a body swerve.

Vista works ok with lots and lots of memory it is a bloated mess if it running slow on the laptop it sounds like some of the options need turned off however slow web browsing sounds more like like a virus or networking problem.

However I would not jump ship to Windows 7 for at least 6 months (why it is called Windows 7 is a mystery Microsoft can't count) also be aware you may run into drivers issues, so best check with the Fujitsu Siemens support website before installing.

Of the antivirus programs Avira has the smallest effect of computer speed, it is worth getting a paid for version because apart from the many extra features paying customers get to the front the daily update download queue.

I am ridding the house of Windows PCs and run all on Mint Linux, where windows is needed it runs on a virtual PC within linux using Sun VirtualBox

MikeRJ - 14/11/09 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by BenB
It depends on spec fundamentally. I'd be tempted to ditch Vista but keep XP.... eventually though XP will stop getting updates

XP will be supported for a long time yet, the installed user base is massive, and bit corporations tend to delay switching to new OS's for as long as possible.

Gazeddy - 30/11/09 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
why it is called Windows 7 is a mystery Microsoft can't count

im sure its the 7th generation ie windows nt 95 98 me xp vista and 7

Fozzie - 30/11/09 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Gazeddy
Originally posted by britishtrident
why it is called Windows 7 is a mystery Microsoft can't count

im sure its the 7th generation ie windows nt 95 98 me xp vista and 7

What about good old Windows 2000 ?


Gazeddy - 30/11/09 at 10:35 PM

maybe 2k is instead of me on my list me being an epic failure really. but theres at least 3 other generations i can think of that a list i remember seeing online somewhere

[Edited on 30/11/09 by Gazeddy]

Fozzie - 30/11/09 at 10:44 PM

OMG I remember ME...... that was soooooo bad!
But bad as it was, it was still a 'version'... as was 2000.

Yes, re other versions, for example.... there was 98 and 98SE ......

My first Windows was 95, so cannot comment on anything previous to that.

McLannahan - 30/11/09 at 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
OMG I remember ME...... that was soooooo bad!
But bad as it was, it was still a 'version'... as was 2000.

Yes, re other versions, for example.... there was 98 and 98SE ......

My first Windows was 95, so cannot comment on anything previous to that.

You're too young Fozzie!

I remember Windows 2.0 and the damn good old days of DOS.

My first laptop had a 21mb hard drive and I didn't even come close to filling it up....

Oh the days....

Fozzie - 30/11/09 at 11:08 PM

Originally posted by McLannahan

You're too young Fozzie! ......

Awwww you have made my day!

My '95 puter had a whopping 6gb HDD ......oooo I felt soooo posh!


David Jenkins - 1/12/09 at 09:05 AM

Oh dear - I remember Windows 3.1 arriving in my office...

MikeRJ - 1/12/09 at 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Gazeddy
Originally posted by britishtrident
why it is called Windows 7 is a mystery Microsoft can't count

im sure its the 7th generation ie windows nt 95 98 me xp vista and 7

It's the 7th major version of Microsofts protected operating system. The first two were OS/2 variants, then Win NT3, Win NT4, Win2K(NT5.1), Win XP (NT5.2), Vista (NT6), Windows 7 (NT7)

Windows 95,98 and ME (shudder) are all non-protected systems.

[Edited on 1/12/09 by MikeRJ]

paul the 6th - 1/12/09 at 10:47 AM

come on guys! Take a chance and go for it:

mac os x

MikeRJ - 1/12/09 at 11:08 AM

Originally posted by paul the 6th
come on guys! Take a chance and go for it:

It's certainly a very nice operating system, Apple really took a massive step forward over their previous generation of operating systems.

Sadly, for me at least, there are just too many applications not available to run natively that I use everyday. Parallels can run a Windows VM, but there's really no point in running an OS I can use in a VM running on an OS I can't.

Then you have the issue that the only hardware you can legally run OSX on is proprietary and extremely expensive and/or lower spec compared to PCs.

jeffw - 1/12/09 at 01:35 PM

However I would not jump ship to Windows 7 for at least 6 months (why it is called Windows 7 is a mystery Microsoft can't count) also be aware you may run into drivers issues, so best check with the Fujitsu Siemens support website before installing.

Right... a little history lesson

There where, effectively, two seperate windows products. One base on Windows 3 (Windows 3, Windows 3.1 & Windows for Workgroups...then into Windows 95, 98 & ME) and the other is Windows NT based.

Windows NT lineage is as follows

Windows NT 3.1
Windows NT 3.5
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000 (Nt 5.0 under the hood)
Windows XP (NT 5.5)
Windows Vista (NT 6.0)
Windows 7 (NT 7.0)

The primary difference between the two threads is that the Windows 3.1 - ME thread used MS-DOS as its core OS whereas Windows NT is a standalone OS.

And yes I've been doing IT 1985 ....MS-DOS and Windows 286/386, CP/M & Gem. Apple II etc etc.

flak monkey - 1/12/09 at 02:19 PM

FWIW I run vista ultimate 64 bit and xp pro in dual boot on my home pc and use vista for everything except Solidworks and my web editor which will only run under XP.

I get on really well with Vista and it runs quickly, rarley (if ever) crashes and needs a hard reset. Then again my PC is no slouch, maybe this makes the difference. Boot to log in screen is about 30secs, and to windows after logging in with all startup stuff loaded and being online is another 10secs or so.

Not tempted to upgrade to 7 just yet though as I havent had vista for long and its another expense which isnt needed, vista does everything I need at the moment.

jeffw - 1/12/09 at 03:23 PM

Vista on the right hardware is fine, Windows 7 on the same tin will be faster. Do not upgrade a XP machine to Vista or Windows 7 without 2-4Gb RAM and a decent Dual Core processor.

MautoK - 1/12/09 at 10:11 PM

I use Ubuntu/Firefox which all seems pretty reliable.
Windows lost me after 3.11 was superseded!
First computer I used in earning a living had 4K core memory and ran 77 KHz clock; terminal was a teletype, program and data storage was paper tape. Good ol' days!

mcerd1 - 1/12/09 at 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
What about good old Windows 2000 ?


You've got to love 2K, a few more carefuly chosen updates and it would be the best of the lot IMHO

as it is I've got 1 PC running DOS 6.2 / Win95, 1 running 98SE, 1 running 2k, 1 desktop + my laptop running XP and my new desktop running win7x64
...but only 1 moitor

I only dig out the old machines when I can't get something to run, so at the moment the XP machine is running just as much and the win 7 one, but I guess that will change as I get newer programs

I hardly ever get the dos 95 machine out any more - but I still hang on to it, its like an old friend, also its built like a tank - totaly bomb proof

I'm running AVG 9 free on the win 7 x64 machine at the moment and its not slowed it at all (but then its a fairly quick machine: LGA1366 i7 920 + 6Gb RAM)

Fozzie - 1/12/09 at 10:45 PM

I still have Windows 2000 on one of my desktops......I love's just so stable and good!

A bit like the comfy favourite jumper that just cannot be binned..... ever......


mcerd1 - 1/12/09 at 10:57 PM

I had 2K on my old work PC for years and loved it, most stable machine I ever had at work, but the new server couldn't handle it so I had to a new machine with XP

Originally posted by Fozzie
A bit like the comfy favourite jumper that just cannot be binned..... ever......
just like my 486 DX2 66Mhz, its nearly 16 years old and just won't die

Hellfire - 2/12/09 at 06:13 AM

I've recently upgraded to Windows 7 x64 on my Quad Core, 8GbRAM 1GBVRAM - not that it matters but...

I have a home network on which I have
W 7 x64
W XP home (1 laptop)
W XP pro x 2 (2 Laptops)
W Vista (1 Laptop)

Before I had W7 the Vista machine though reasonably stable would not fully File Share or Printer Share with XP.

Partitioned and dual booted XP pro and Windows 7 x64

Windows 7 is stable, it boots up within 15 seconds, looks sweet, shuts down quickly, file shares, printer shares, easy to navigate. After all the crap that MS have turned out in the past this is a revelation... since its installation I've not found much wrong with it!

I cloned my windows 7 partition, deleted old XP reformatted drive and re-installed from fresh (thanks Acronis ) and it runs like a dream!

Apples are good - but not that good. Tried Linux in a variety of flavours but the problem is the same as with Apple Machines - limited software that is not industry standard. In otherwords 'ok for the ones that choose to be different because they can be'...

ATEOTD - MS know they are losing ground to Apple (due to various issues) so they have responded with Windows 7 - and it IS good....
