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PDF files
dmottaway - 3/3/08 at 04:21 PM

I get my daily assignments by email in the form of PDF files. Often, a single PDF covers several tickets which I would like to file separately.

I know I could ask them to be sent separately, but the poor girl doing it is already overworked.

Is there any way I can divide a single PDF file into separate pages and store them where they belong?


BenB - 3/3/08 at 04:23 PM

that any good to you?

greggers - 3/3/08 at 04:26 PM

The best way is with acrobat distiller which allows you to edit and recreate acrobat docs however you want. Unlike the viewer it isn't free though.

There are a number of other packages that'll do the same thing, most of which you can try for free. I'd google something like 'PDF Split' and you should be able to find something pretty cheap.

dmottaway - 3/3/08 at 04:34 PM

thanx Ben. tried it and it works!!

thanx, also, greggers

appreciate the quick responses.


charlierevell - 3/3/08 at 06:31 PM

PDF 995 does the job well too!