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Non-sensical junk mail
flak monkey - 15/11/06 at 10:33 PM

I just got this as junk mail, and couldnt stop reading it because it made me Its just complete crap:

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spunky - 16/11/06 at 11:16 AM

looks familiar.

I get spam from 'adult' sites, share investors and the usual Viagra, Cailis stuff that has crap like tis in the mail.

'since. He hastily but carefully loaded it and slipped it into his The guests at Mrs. s table were a typical pioneer group near them seemed to offer an escape from much that was unpleasant.homesteaders, speculators, machine men journeying through the country
on, I came to the southern end of coke a line of cliffs cereal loftier qualified roars and logical growls. It captain was the night-life of nun than any I religion pocket. Then reaching for his snowy overcoat, which had fallen to theto sell machinery to harvest the grain not yet grown; the farmer hasBesides, it was just at the time when so many people were hearing theever been well endowed with hope, and the machine business flourishes. steak had seen before, and as I approached them, canteen this jungle world coming into its own--the politician presentation
there was wafted to my lots of'

I cannot unsubscribe or stop it from getting through....


Liam - 16/11/06 at 05:23 PM

Hey i get crap like that! What the hell is it?

Are parts of the internet evolving intelligence or something? Little junk email segments forming together and spreading?

Or did someone actually type that crap in and hit send?


[Edited on 16/11/06 by Liam]

Confused but excited. - 16/11/06 at 07:16 PM

Probably a vector for spyware.

JoelP - 16/11/06 at 08:59 PM

i believe they contain that text to attempt to fool junk filters, the length and grammar is quite plausable.

The ones that dont contain links puzzle me, are they hoping you reply, to confirm the address is active, or can they tell if you actually read it whether or not you replied?

iank - 16/11/06 at 09:16 PM

The random words are called 'hash busters' they are trying to confuse the spam filters which use bayesian filters to pick out the junk so they get into your inbox.

I can only guess the ones without links are either created by broken spam generators, or they are trying to confuse the spam detectors into increased numbers of false positives making them useless and getting users to switch them off.