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Boot / Bin
darren(SA) - 15/8/04 at 07:20 PM

Hi guys,

I'm moving on to the rear of my car, and need a couple of suggestions, pics would be great, for my bin.

I'm thinking of using a thin plywood to build the overall shape, then fibre glassing the corners and the top so that it fits around the back tubing so that it can be removed easily. I would get a torneau cover made to cover it.

What experiences/designs have you guys come up with? Would the combo of fibre and wood be ok or should I use the wood as a mould to glass the whole thing?


darren Rescued attachment Picture016.jpg
Rescued attachment Picture016.jpg

darren(SA) - 15/8/04 at 07:33 PM

ps you can't see from the pic but my fuel tank sits 250mm below top so I would be looking at just a rectangular shape resting on the tank.

(250mm should be plenty for a 6 pack of beers anyway)

Cita - 17/8/04 at 08:56 PM

Plywood and glass go well,it's used in boatbuilding all the time.
Dont use polyester but epoxy according the boat guys,polyester is not exactly waterproof and the wood will rot after some time.
Why not make the cover also in wood/epoxy instead of the toneau cover?