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Graphics and stripes
DarrenW - 12/5/06 at 11:47 AM

Im trying to find a graphics company who can do me a viper / cobra style stripe kit. I have a specific design in mind. This company has a load of off the shelf stuff at a good price - but the stripes are just too big. Any ideas fr custom graphics at a good price?

im also looking for somewhere that does a take on the Pentium 'Intel Inside' where the Intel word is replaced with something of your choice.

My Oxford blue car is just too dull and needs jazzing up.


nick205 - 12/5/06 at 12:16 PM

what are you after - Ford "Pinto Inside"

DarrenW - 12/5/06 at 01:27 PM

errrmmmm - Yes - Pinto Inside had crossed my idea but.........
I would like to make it sound more interesting but if i say eg Zetec Inside people might expect it to be better.

Lets open this up to the floor - What Intel Inside version would you go for??

Thanks for the link.

muzchap - 12/5/06 at 01:41 PM


Intel pah.....

I will stick with an AMD64

True to form a tight fisted Scotsman

Zetec Inside sounds good


Stupid B&$£$D who believed he could build a kit car cheaply INSIDE!

Also look at the guy who sprayed his white car to a blue one - looked ace with some white strips - he owns a CELICA can't remeber his name though? Harding..? Andy Harding? is that it???

jos - 12/5/06 at 01:53 PM

Yeah Andy Harding. Darren I can you in contact with him if youd like or dig him out through here

DarrenW - 12/5/06 at 01:58 PM

I remember seeing Andys stripes. He painted them in though didnt he? Im happy with Vinyl.

I dont want the car to look crap with sh1te decals and stuff. I want it to look purposeful etc.

Might not bother with the '???? Inside' just yet. Better to go for one thing at a time than overcook it.

Anyhow ive just been told my bike carb manifold and catch tank could be ready next week - looks like pocket money has just been allocated.

alister667 - 12/5/06 at 02:03 PM

My own favourite 'inside'

DarrenW - 12/5/06 at 02:04 PM

Where did you get that from? Is it just a computer graphic? Any more (with artwork i can get any made i think).


alister667 - 12/5/06 at 02:24 PM

I saw it years ago, just did a google for it and linked to it on this page.

not aware of any others though.

Did a little googling and come up with

Hellfire - 12/5/06 at 03:48 PM

Originally posted by CaLviNx

Intel pah.....

I will stick with an AMD64


Me too What about this:

[Edited on 12-5-06 by Hellfire]

Northy - 12/5/06 at 06:05 PM

I saw a "Twin 45's Inside", that looked cool!

DarrenW - 14/5/06 at 10:47 PM

Twin 45's Inside sounds cool........ except i havent got any

I will have bike carbs soon. Do Bike carbz Inside souns equally cool??? I dont think that Pinto Inside sounds good. Maybe Evil Inside will be OK but im not creative enough to think of owt better! Suggecstions on a post card to..........

skippad - 18/5/06 at 05:11 PM

Hi Darran
I'm a signwriter, i live 20mins from u.
I can do any type of graphics for u at special locost rates!
If interested u2u me.
Dave K. Signs & Designs. Est 1984

flak monkey - 18/5/06 at 05:47 PM

This the sort of thing?

Yes I was bored! Rescued attachment inside logo copy.jpg
Rescued attachment inside logo copy.jpg

flak monkey - 18/5/06 at 05:48 PM

Or this: Rescued attachment inside logo copy2.jpg
Rescued attachment inside logo copy2.jpg

DarrenW - 19/5/06 at 02:59 PM

Yes david, they are the general thing i was thinking about - except i dont have twin45's

I got these sent through but as much as i love the Pinto im not sure i want to advertise it!!

Ive spoken to Skippad - top lad. i didnt realise he could do so much. Im now looking forward to going to see him for inspiration. He can do any vinyls and also air brushing!! The problem i have is that im not that arty / creative with this sort of thing.
I fancy the idea of having the mouth of the nosecone painted which then blends into the stripe. I also like the idea of the wavy flags. i might need to search some BTCC / F1 etc schemes to see if anything else stands out. All depends how my pocket money will stretch!!

DarrenW - 19/5/06 at 03:00 PM

DarrenW - 19/5/06 at 03:02 PM

Oh bugger - pics wont attach! i have an error in my SQL syntax!!!!! What the hell does that mean??

DarrenW - 24/5/06 at 03:47 PM

Im now thinking of a take on the twin cobra stripe idea. Mouth of nosecone in soild colour blending into 2 seperate stripes that cross over each other as the go over the car. Starting as thick stripes at front of bonnet bulge and narrowing as the get towards the back.

Was also thinking the same on cycle wings may look good. They are a sort of cross between cobra stripes and flames. Im not very arty so oppinions appreciated.

car is Oxford blue so was thinking of stripes in darkish silver (similar to chassis and wheels).