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He needs to get out more..........
locoboy - 1/9/08 at 09:53 PM

Get me a life

And a nice follow up too PMSL


Dangle_kt - 1/9/08 at 09:59 PM

I bet he is great to go for a pint with...

blakep82 - 1/9/08 at 10:04 PM

he probably thinks the same about people who build their own cars from scratch

Confused but excited. - 1/9/08 at 10:07 PM

"using zymol autowash and a natural sea sponge "
Says it all really.

The Barryboys spoof was class and you can't say that about them very often.

Danozeman - 1/9/08 at 10:08 PM

Please forgive my langauge but why the F**k would u do that to an assumed brand new car?!!!! Sad F***er.. i thought my mate was bad for paying some bloke 300 quid to polish his RS.
He does look a saddo. Also note the loaded mag covers all over the place.

I must say the seats are nice though.

Barry boys lol.

[Edited on 1/9/08 by Danozeman]

les g - 1/9/08 at 10:10 PM

wot a to##er
les g
words fail me

Benzine - 1/9/08 at 10:10 PM


Tim 45 - 1/9/08 at 10:24 PM

In all fairness to him, it did look good - not 4 days worth of effort good, but good non the less.

The sad thing now is that he will try to keep it that way. Wouldn't be surprised if he has the guy with a depth-meter on speed dial.

oldtimer - 1/9/08 at 10:26 PM


joneh - 1/9/08 at 10:27 PM

I hope a bird sh1ts on it!

Ketchup - 1/9/08 at 10:31 PM

how much for that glaze, its got to be a fooking typo

Tim 45 - 1/9/08 at 10:49 PM

You get free refills on the glaze though

tegwin - 1/9/08 at 10:54 PM

Its a fecking VXR.......I wouldnt want to be seen dead in one atall...even if it was that shiny...

What a pointless excersize....

Peteff - 1/9/08 at 11:25 PM

I take half an hour to wash the car, I really must try harder.

splitrivet - 1/9/08 at 11:26 PM

The spoof job is a classic, I know guys who are nearly that bad one in particular I'm sad to say I'm sure takes his tappets out every Sunday to black lead them.

[Edited on 1/9/08 by splitrivet]

orbital - 2/9/08 at 12:54 AM

Jesus wept I've seen it all now!!

At £7,118.00 for the glaze within 12 months it'll be worth more than the car!! Classic!!



anup - 2/9/08 at 01:28 AM

If you think 4 days is a long time...

...Get a brew, clear 2 hours of the day and read about his 3 month detail on his next car.

3 Month detail

[Edited on 2/9/08 by anup]

RK - 2/9/08 at 02:52 AM

He can come over and do my Audi if he so desires. He obviously has the time - no writeup required. And the Barryboys was gold.

popeye99 - 2/9/08 at 02:58 AM

So anyone who is passionate about something that <xxxxx> dont approve is sad ?

Or is it sad reading forums that are of no interest to you whatsoever.

stuart_g - 2/9/08 at 06:22 AM

what a waste of time. The first time he takes it for a service which will be quite soon as it is bound to breakdown being a Vauxhall, the dealers will scratch it.

I would have put the extra money into a decent car in the first place.

Oh well each to their own.

speedyxjs - 2/9/08 at 06:23 AM

OMFG Its only a Vauxhall. Its not like its a nice Jag

iiyama - 2/9/08 at 07:18 AM

Just a thought, but maybe he has something to do with Zymol...........???

DarrenW - 2/9/08 at 08:40 AM

That is certainly an extreme wash and polish but i have to say that the zymol products are good. Ive got one of the budget kits and it does do a good job. No way would i buy the expensive waxes though. That is just pure madness.

Did they really need to take thickness measurements? Surely a good machine polish by experienced body shop would make a good job of any factory finish in a fraction of the time.

I wonder if he ever takes the car shopping?

Guinness - 2/9/08 at 08:49 AM

WTF, just get out there and drive it!

Is it just me, or did he "detail" the blue one, and then go and do the same thing on the white one?

I like my car clean, but that's mental.


anup - 2/9/08 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by popeye99
So anyone who is passionate about something that <xxxxx> dont approve is sad ?

Or is it sad reading forums that are of no interest to you whatsoever.

Not at all, thats not the issue. It's the manner in which the photo's and write up are presented.

If you go past the build write up and read the comments on detailingworld you'll see that people on that forum tell him he is OTT!

Peteff - 2/9/08 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by popeye99
So anyone who is passionate about something that <xxxxx> dont approve is sad ?

Or is it sad reading forums that are of no interest to you whatsoever.

Any publicity is good publicity, lighten up man !

BenB - 2/9/08 at 10:52 AM

Holy shite! What a waste of time. Cars are for driving not making so shiny you'll cry every time a speck of dust lands on it.....

I bet he'll win concours competitions. Only question is this- is that a good thing

bob - 2/9/08 at 11:20 AM

We have some polish lads who can do that for 6 quid while your doing your shopping at our local tescos

I was thinking a right good dirty bird would sort that lad out...... only problem being he would probably get his tackle out and start polishing it himself

swanny - 2/9/08 at 01:46 PM

Three words.

1. Still

2. An

3. Astra

mistergrumpy - 2/9/08 at 07:00 PM

Wow! He's got tension in his anus that fella! Though I must say, each to there own. I suspect he has a legit. medical condition

Mark Allanson - 2/9/08 at 08:59 PM

We quite get customers like that, one spent 30 mins examining 1 wing looking for imperfections, he found 2 which I couldn't even see. I put him in reception with a cup of tea while the car sat in the valet bay untouched for an hour. Got him back to check, he said 'Much better, you should check the cars more thoroughly in future' and drove off.

Its OCD, more common than you think

Benzine - 3/9/08 at 11:01 AM

50. litres. of. mineral. water. to. wash. a. car

flak monkey - 3/9/08 at 11:49 AM

It is a bit sad, but if someone wants to spend that much time and effort polishing a car then let them be.

I spend far too long cleaning my cars, clay bar, 3 step and jetseal, and the shine lasts for a good couple of months for 2 days work. Did my MR2 a couple of times and everytime it attracted some good compliments, and people asking how i got it that shiney. Also done the GTS a few times now, and its due for another going over.

The new cars getting the treatment this weekend.

Nothing worse than a filthy car!


RK - 3/9/08 at 03:14 PM

Good comment about the OCD. A requirement around here.

matt.c - 3/9/08 at 09:32 PM

Hmm i think i had better clean the indy for the first time this weekend as i feel a bit sorry for it!

Benonymous - 6/9/08 at 12:26 AM

I must say the term "obsessive compulsive" springs to mind but as he's a concourse kind of person it's more like a sport.

If he had a show jumping horse then he'd probably lavish a lot of attention on it. If he's going in for auto salon events and stuff he's just "fettling his mount"

It would be ultra sad if he was doing this to his daily driver. If he was then he'd probably poo himself every time he drove past a puddle!

But seven thousand quid for wax! That's thoroughly over the top.

vinnievector - 9/9/08 at 10:02 AM

A thought flashed into my mind , i wonder wot he was like on the build up to getting his new Astra . a five year old on christmas eve with speed coke and red bull prob did not come close .

tryin to stay away from the dark side of car polishing .