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Prop shaft clearance
chockymonster - 28/5/06 at 08:48 AM


Fitted my engine yesterday and now want to finish of the top cover of the bulkhead.
Have you all fitted the battery before the prop or waited until the prop is in place to mount it?

I've only just got myself into a position to measure up for prop length and don't know how much clearance I will have for battery depth.

RichieC - 28/5/06 at 10:02 AM

Hi mate,

I bit the bullet and mounted the battery. i just used a piece of copper pipe to simulate the top of the prop and there is actually a bit more room than you think (providing youre using a bike battery)

Im about to fit the gear linkage so the same applies, I dont want to have the pivot too high on the lever and have to much sitting down into the tunnel.



Bryan Sears - 28/5/06 at 10:44 AM

I have fitted my prop and am about to fit the battery.
There’s lots of room to fit it above the prop but it would have made the job of fitting the prop harder with the battery in the way.

RichieC - 28/5/06 at 10:45 AM

Just out of interest Bryan, are you using a reverse box?

Did you have to assemble the prop in the tunnel?



Bryan Sears - 28/5/06 at 10:59 AM

No reverse box who wants to go backwards in a bec will fit reverse if I need it later.
Prop came apart easily I used a tyre lever and spanner wind the centre bolt onto the tyre lever hit the tyre lever and it comes apart. The prop was too big to go in as one bit.

RichieC - 28/5/06 at 11:01 AM

Yeh same here, no reverse.

Was just interested in how you did it as a few peeps have had problems splitting and rebuilding in the tunnel.



JoaoCaldeira - 28/5/06 at 10:20 PM

I've undone the prop at that same centre bolt... I've done the battery tray earlier but only rivet the top of the scuttle later on... it will help to have access to pedal box (accelarator), to the gear change cable braket, to wiring, to gear change cable routing, etc...
