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mistergrumpy - 27/9/09 at 05:11 PM

Just tried to look at the MAC website and it looks like it's been hacked by summat called Azerbaijan underground going on about terrorism etc.
Have Marc and Colin taken a turn in the other direction

MakeEverything - 27/9/09 at 05:14 PM

Thats really quite funny!!

jos - 27/9/09 at 05:31 PM


zilspeed - 27/9/09 at 05:44 PM

I've emailed one of the addresses on the current pages with a question which will really confuse them...

What's the best engine, car or bike ?

That'll ckuf them right up.

By the time they sort that one out, we'll all be one big happy family

dean100yz - 27/9/09 at 07:42 PM

Oh how funny - ive never seen something like that before!

Sure it wont be too difficult clearing that and getting it back running

graememk - 27/9/09 at 08:28 PM

worrying to be honest

mac1 - 28/9/09 at 08:30 AM

Thanks for the heads up.We are currently in negotiations with
Azerbaijan Attacker Team, so far their main request is a total withdrawl of American forces from Afganistan. On the up-side they are offering a camel, 3 sheep and a Lama for my daughter....throw in a couple of goats and we might have a deal...