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Gone Mad!!
Optimum Balance Products - 23/6/09 at 09:59 PM


obp Ltd have gone mad!!!

This sale is not 10% or 15% this time it is a massive 20% price slash!

Yes 20% slashed off over 100 products.

obp Ltd have been lucky and have not been effected to much with the current economic climate.

However we are aware that a lot of Motorsport enthusiasts have.

This 20% price slash is our way of giving a little bit back to all you guys that have felt the pinch.

Spread the word email your friends, post it on your race and club forums "obp Ltd have gone crazy, they are slashing prices by 20% on over 100 products".

This sale ends in 2 weeks on the 7th July. So you have time to get yourself a bargain and spread the word to make some one else happy, they may even buy you a beer to say thanks.

Act now.

Thank you for your time,

The obp Ltd Team.