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Temporary european cover
SeanStone - 19/7/11 at 10:14 PM

Has anyone ever got temp cover for driving in europe? Will be driving a london taxi down to sicily then flying back so am looking for any reccomendations or known pitfalls or things to watch out for

daniel mason - 19/7/11 at 10:27 PM

what route you taking mate?
im off to south of france this weekend and got myself covered!

norfolkluego - 19/7/11 at 10:35 PM

Insurance or breakdown?

John Bonnett - 20/7/11 at 07:40 AM

I think it is fairly usual for a UK insurance to include European cover, albeit with a limit to the number of days abroad. In some cases, the insurers need to be notified first before you go. That is certainly the case both on my cars and the truck which is on a commercial policy.


SeanStone - 20/7/11 at 07:45 AM

I am not sure what route i'm taking, satnav will lead the way! good 26 hours of driving though.

I have RAC breakdown but I don't know whether it covers europe yet, so for the moment I am just looking exclusively at insurance

John Bonnett - 20/7/11 at 07:54 AM

Ah, you mean breakdown cover, not insurance.

Standard AA and RAC cover does not include Europe. You will need European breakdown cover. You'll have to check RAC but the age limit for a vehicle for AA European cover is 11 years.

SeanStone - 20/7/11 at 09:02 AM

No I definitely need european insurance.

I don't know the model or reg of the car yet so I can't check so I was just wondering if anyone had got european cover before and how much it is etc before I get stuck into it!

Jasper - 20/7/11 at 11:38 AM

If it's JUST insurance you need not breakdown, then your normal policy will almost certainly cover you for 90 days driving in Europe, though call to check.

pdm - 20/7/11 at 04:14 PM

I asked about this as we went camping in France last month.

Answer I got from DirectLine, if you are fully comp you get 3rd party only in Europe by default.

As for breakdown - most will only do a less than 10 year old car and you only get towed to a garage - not so good if you're on the way home. Given where we stayed in France was closer to Calais than Dover was to my house we just took the risk.

As others say, best to double check but HTH.