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Hooning on public roads....
mangogrooveworkshop - 5/4/09 at 08:47 PM

Right once in a while we all have done it....but the question is do you film it and put it on the net....with the fuzz and goverment looking down on us more and more.
Take this fella Having a wee blast linky

Steve Hignett - 5/4/09 at 08:50 PM

There's some real idiots out there...

VousToob Linky

[Edited on 6/4/09 by Steve Hignett]

cloudy - 5/4/09 at 08:50 PM

Driving like that is best left for the track

skydivepaul - 5/4/09 at 08:53 PM

thats what trackdays are for.

unless you dont want to keep your licence or knock someone over!

mookaloid - 5/4/09 at 08:55 PM

i think if was him i'd remove that video from the public domain

mackei23b - 5/4/09 at 09:00 PM

just don't do it, as said thats what track days were invented for!

eznfrank - 5/4/09 at 09:00 PM

The first one is a member on here.......

eznfrank - 5/4/09 at 09:02 PM

In my day job I'm often tasked with tracking down net based "offenders", and I work on roughly a 70% success rate with just civilian powers so for the police if they want you it's a piece of cake!!

omega0684 - 5/4/09 at 09:02 PM

what a bunch of DEKS!

as already stated that should be left for the track! driving like that just endangers fellow drivers and members of the public!

locoR1 - 5/4/09 at 09:04 PM

now if i had only had my bullet cam on the car Friday night seems to be allot of naughty boys on here

The two of you know who you are no wonder i wouldn't keep up

[Edited on 5/4/09 by locoR1]

viatron - 5/4/09 at 09:14 PM

got a mate waiting for a kidney transplant, must call him and tell him his chances have improved!

As before keep it on the track, clip a kurb and it can go horribly horribly wrong very very quickly

Danozeman - 5/4/09 at 09:17 PM

Christ the blue one is mad!! Serioudly wuick bit of kit though has to be said!

hobzy - 5/4/09 at 09:30 PM

Playing Devils wotsit for a moment...

The first one clearly knows the road well as he slows down for the crossroads well in advance and the 2 villages. In fact he went through a damn sight slower than most of the numpties who drive through my village in their people carriers half asleep. All his overtakes seemed well judged too. Bearing in mind its a BEC, how much of that was he ACTUALLY going over 80 odd? He wasn't even in 6th for most of it? Who here can honestly say they don't go over the NSL on an A road they know well and the road is clear? Come on?

That said, if you play the game don't complain if you get caught

Haven't watched the second one yet.

DIY Si - 5/4/09 at 09:32 PM

Whilst the first vid, the blue car, does one or two silly things, if you watch it with the sound off, it's not all that bad. He generally has good sight lines, slows down for junctions and his overtakes are on nice straight bits of road. I take it you lot have never seen bikers out on the roads? They would make that run look like Driving Miss Daisy.

Edited to say that BECs always seem/sound like they are going much faster than they actually are. I have had old folks waving their arms at me when I was only doing 20 mph though a village! And I was in 3rd at the time.

[Edited on 5/4/09 by DIY Si]

McLannahan - 5/4/09 at 09:32 PM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
Originally posted by eznfrank
The first one is a member on here.......

So is the second

That was Steve's car but not driven by him. It's the chap he sold the car to, a few weeks or so after he bought it from him. I think it's been sold again now though it was on EBay recently.

hobzy - 5/4/09 at 09:34 PM

OK second one is pushing it - too busy and asking for trouble...

skippad - 5/4/09 at 09:57 PM

Whats the the matter with you all!
the reason we build these cars is to hoon about, and if they are set up right are a lot more safe and predictable at speed.
The examples given dont look that fast to drive twice as fast on a trackday...
The nanny state have brainwashed you all...
Get a grip!

mistergrumpy - 5/4/09 at 10:08 PM


the reason we build these cars is to hoon about

Is it? I built it for the challenge.


if they are set up right

Yep, if


a lot more safe and predictable at speed

Than what?


The examples given dont look that fast to me

That's your personal view not everyones, see above. Plus it never does seem to look fast watching it. Take Top Gears test track for instance.


you drive twice as fast on a trackday

That's probably because it's on a track and not a road


Get a grip!

Really? Do you think we need to?

skippad - 5/4/09 at 10:12 PM


I'm just stirring it

skippad - 5/4/09 at 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by skippad

I'm just stirring it

I think you're in a minority (of 1) of whether that driving in the 2nd vid is acceptable on the roads tbh. Instant ban if that went before any court i recon, instant death maybe if one of the undertaken cars had pulled in on the driver!! Not really a subject to be joked about on a public forum really tbh.

[Edited on 5/4/09 by Paul TigerB6]

As i said i'm just stirring it
Just calm down

i like driving fast, thats why we enthuisiasts build and drive these cars.
we can drive briskly on public roads (compared to the average wife, OAP etc)
in complete safety IMOP.
please don't have the opinion that i drive like a nutter, but an open piece of road with good overtaking oppertunities, there is no reason not to.
As i said previous, the nanny state is conditioning us to think that we cannot drive briskly and overtake which i observe everyday and is very frustrating.
We are loosing the art of driving and enjoying ourselves.

skippad - 5/4/09 at 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
There's a world of difference between driving briskly and overtaking, and weaving in and out of traffic and doing numerous illegal undertakes!! If you want to make a point about the nanny state trying to brainwash us about speed etc (which i know exactly what you would mean) then start a thread - dont start associating it with driving of the sort in the video. Dont forget this is a PUBLIC forum and can be read by anyone - not just members. Defending driving like in that video isnt going to make all of us look very good.

yes, yes and yes
i agree you can't do anything anymore...u have to be accountable for everything...
its bloody depressing.
Just send me me to a home....

owelly - 5/4/09 at 11:29 PM

There's a time and a place.......
I may have, on occasion, made progress in an enthusiastic manner. The time was right. The place is in my head, on the right roads. Not on youtube!! (although there are a couple of clips of me in my car on youtube but they are pretty poor!!)

iscmatt - 5/4/09 at 11:35 PM

I like impressing people in my car but not quite to that extent!! I enjoy testing the limits on a track were there is run-off, i watched the first video and just kept thinking wht if there was a horse and rider around the next corner, a pheasant flew out! OUCH

In the second vid this made me laugh:

"incriminating evidence"

owelly - 5/4/09 at 11:45 PM

According to my booze-addled head, and the dubious use of, the second clip could be accountable by two perps. A blokey from 29 Ivydale Road, Bognor Regis, or, 5 Sparrow Way, Burgess Hill!!!
Not the driver but still................

Andi - 5/4/09 at 11:57 PM

The first half of the first vid is amazing...
The road that is... Anyone know where it is?
Hardly any cars about.

speedyxjs - 6/4/09 at 06:13 AM

Iv definately seen the first one on here before.

locoboy - 6/4/09 at 06:33 AM

The first clip is driving from atcham near shrewsbury on what is commonly known as the 'racetrack' through to buildwas near Ironbridge.

locoboy - 6/4/09 at 06:37 AM

COCK in the second clip.
I hope he gets it all wrong and does HIMSELF a serious injuy, people like that dont deserve to be on the road endangering my family.

iiyama - 6/4/09 at 06:44 AM

Dont see much wrong with the first clip, second one is driving like a t**t though.

dogwood - 6/4/09 at 07:19 AM

Just to add my bit.

I have noticed these cars appear to be going faster than they actually are.
On 3 occasions now I have been waved at to slow down.
One really aggressive old fart shouting at me, telling me what an idiot I am
On all 3 occasions I was BELOW the speed limit.
I think the sound of the engine makes it seem faster than it is.

Not that I'm inocent at all times, but in a 30 I stick to 30.
It's not neccacarly the speed you are doing, but how quickly you get to that speed.

And to answer the poll.
No I would never post a vid if I thought it could get me into trouble.


aka Keith - 6/4/09 at 07:37 AM

there is a time and a place for everything, and by the law of the lowest common denomiator, you will always get a few silly solds.

I recently posted a video of my little hoon, but I stick to 30;s 40's adn 50's. at the NSL. I take my own limits as the deciding factor.

[Edited on 6/4/09 by aka Keith]

idl1975 - 6/4/09 at 08:22 AM

Except you can see much, much more on the bike, and if you mis-time an overtake you can go between the two cars.

As someone else said, clip a curb (or even find a patch of dirt when you aren't expecting it) and it would all go very wrong very quickly. Nothing wrong with enjoying one's kit car, but some sense has to be used. The first guy had no run off and was far too fast past blind turn outs. What do you do if you come round a corner and there's a tractor in front of you doing 5 mph? Or a lorry pulling out of a farm gate? How about a cyclist or a horse rider actually daring to use a public road (shock, horror, sarcasm)? There are roads (admittedly not many in metropolitan areas) where you can do a bit of hooning and the only potential damage is going to be to you and the road furniture. In which case, game on.

But in any other situation, you have to control your speed so you can stop in time. The first driver, at least, wouldn't have been able to in any number of situations. A kit is more than heavy enough to kill a pedestrian, other "vulnerable road user" or someone in another car. I don't they'd be happy to be the victim of someone else's accident.

Originally posted by DIY Si
Whilst the first vid, the blue car, does one or two silly things, if you watch it with the sound off, it's not all that bad. He generally has good sight lines, slows down for junctions and his overtakes are on nice straight bits of road. I take it you lot have never seen bikers out on the roads? They would make that run look like Driving Miss Daisy.

Edited to say that BECs always seem/sound like they are going much faster than they actually are. I have had old folks waving their arms at me when I was only doing 20 mph though a village! And I was in 3rd at the time.

[Edited on 5/4/09 by DIY Si]

DaveFJ - 6/4/09 at 10:33 AM

To be honest....

I think there is a bit too much 'holier than thou' going on!

didnt have much problem with the first vid.. a couple of moments that were a bit silly and not sure exactly where the donuts were... but then i dont know the road...

the second one... a few more silly moments than the first.. but on the most part i dont have a problem with it....I do think it looks a lot fatser than it actually is!

I did a vid myself this weekend as it was the first drive out and, although i know i was actually driving very sensibly!, the vid makes it look sooo much faster!

[Edited on 6-4-09 by DaveFJ]

hobzy - 6/4/09 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by idl1975
Except you can see much, much more on the bike, and if you mis-time an overtake you can go between the two cars.

As someone else said, clip a curb (or even find a patch of dirt when you aren't expecting it) and it would all go very wrong very quickly. Nothing wrong with enjoying one's kit car, but some sense has to be used. The first guy had no run off and was far too fast past blind turn outs. What do you do if you come round a corner and there's a tractor in front of you doing 5 mph? Or a lorry pulling out of a farm gate? How about a cyclist or a horse rider actually daring to use a public road (shock, horror, sarcasm)? There are roads (admittedly not many in metropolitan areas) where you can do a bit of hooning and the only potential damage is going to be to you and the road furniture. In which case, game on.

But in any other situation, you have to control your speed so you can stop in time. The first driver, at least, wouldn't have been able to in any number of situations. A kit is more than heavy enough to kill a pedestrian, other "vulnerable road user" or someone in another car. I don't they'd be happy to be the victim of someone else's accident.

Originally posted by DIY Si
Whilst the first vid, the blue car, does one or two silly things, if you watch it with the sound off, it's not all that bad. He generally has good sight lines, slows down for junctions and his overtakes are on nice straight bits of road. I take it you lot have never seen bikers out on the roads? They would make that run look like Driving Miss Daisy.

Edited to say that BECs always seem/sound like they are going much faster than they actually are. I have had old folks waving their arms at me when I was only doing 20 mph though a village! And I was in 3rd at the time.

[Edited on 5/4/09 by DIY Si]

What do you do if there is a tractor coming out of a side turning if you are doing 60? He clearly knew the first road very well, so probably had more chance of spotting a potential hazard than you or I in our tintop on our first go down that road. Everything going the other way seemed to be pretty near the NSL AFAICT...

MikeRJ - 6/4/09 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by iiyama
Dont see much wrong with the first clip, second one is driving like a t**t though.

The manoeuvre on the roundabout at ~4:42, and then doing donuts on a junction with a major road were pretty bloody stupid IMO.

DIY Si - 6/4/09 at 04:46 PM

So what difference does it make what he's driving then? I'd rather someone pull out on me in the Indy than any other vehicle I have access to. It will out brake, out accelerate and out manoeuvre 99% of things on the road. If I've decided I'm off for a brisk run, I'd rather do it in the most suitable car I own. Besides which, I don't think he was going much above 80 which is pretty much what I limit myself to, and I would have no problems doing that speed on that road if I knew it as well as the driver clearly does.
Also, those that have their cars on the road, can you honestly say you have never ever looked down and thought "Ooppps, the speedo says 90-100. Best slow down a bit"?

Originally posted by idl1975
Except you can see much, much more on the bike, and if you mis-time an overtake you can go between the two cars.

As someone else said, clip a curb (or even find a patch of dirt when you aren't expecting it) and it would all go very wrong very quickly. Nothing wrong with enjoying one's kit car, but some sense has to be used. The first guy had no run off and was far too fast past blind turn outs. What do you do if you come round a corner and there's a tractor in front of you doing 5 mph? Or a lorry pulling out of a farm gate? How about a cyclist or a horse rider actually daring to use a public road (shock, horror, sarcasm)? There are roads (admittedly not many in metropolitan areas) where you can do a bit of hooning and the only potential damage is going to be to you and the road furniture. In which case, game on.

But in any other situation, you have to control your speed so you can stop in time. The first driver, at least, wouldn't have been able to in any number of situations. A kit is more than heavy enough to kill a pedestrian, other "vulnerable road user" or someone in another car. I don't they'd be happy to be the victim of someone else's accident.

Originally posted by DIY Si
Whilst the first vid, the blue car, does one or two silly things, if you watch it with the sound off, it's not all that bad. He generally has good sight lines, slows down for junctions and his overtakes are on nice straight bits of road. I take it you lot have never seen bikers out on the roads? They would make that run look like Driving Miss Daisy.

Edited to say that BECs always seem/sound like they are going much faster than they actually are. I have had old folks waving their arms at me when I was only doing 20 mph though a village! And I was in 3rd at the time.

[Edited on 5/4/09 by DIY Si]

DIY Si - 6/4/09 at 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by DIY Si
Also, those that have their cars on the road, can you honestly say you have never ever looked down and thought "Ooppps, the speedo says 90-100. Best slow down a bit"?

Its not exactly the speeds that are the issue - especially when it comes to the 2nd video. Its the numerous completely stupid undertakes and weaving around cars thats completely stupid.

Fair enough on the 2nd vid, although my comments were meant to be about the first. The 2nd vid IS too much for the road. As said, it would quite possibly get you a ban if spotted!

mk_xe - 10/4/09 at 10:48 PM

As well as mk i also cycle on road.

I try to bear this in mind when driving, Slow moving bicyles can appear very quickly on hte apex you're expecting to use.

JoelP - 12/4/09 at 05:36 PM

i didnt think the second vid was that bad, though i didnt watch in detail. Worst part IMHO was the foolish laughing and that bit going round the roundabout, the driver clearly wasnt taking what he was doing seriously. The undertaking seemed acceptable to me as there was enough speed difference that the people being passed didnt have much chance to suprise him. Bit like how its much easier to walk through a crowded shopping centre if you walk a lot faster than everyone else. Slight misuse of speed in the residential zones too. Combined with his attitude would worry me. Nowt wrong with the dual carriage way work though, indeed i thought he hesitated too much on the roundabouts. Maybe not familiar with them.