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DOG - Gastic Bloat..... The SILENT KILLER
mad4x4 - 28/1/11 at 09:54 PM

Our dog Charlie a 9 year old chocolate doberman had major OP last night to resolve a Gastric Torrsion. We were told today that if we had wait till this mornig he world have DIED.

LINKY ->Bloat the slient Killer

Easily recognizable

1) Hard Stomach
2) What up here is called a "Dry Bolke" or Dry Vomit

If you see these symtoms get your dog to a VET!

Charlie - Now Recovering at Home (9 year old Chocolate Doberman)

[Edited on 28/101/11 by mad4x4]

stevegough - 28/1/11 at 10:09 PM

Poor little pooch - he does look a bit down! - haven't you got a wishbone for him to chew?

Xtreme Kermit - 28/1/11 at 10:19 PM

Wow. Glad you caught it in time. My skin and bliss has a choccy doby. Lovely (but slightly challenged) dog - and a great singer...

ashg - 28/1/11 at 10:20 PM

poor little fella. well done for spotting it, its amazing how pets can let us know they are feeling under the weather.

give him lots of fuss and attention and he will soon be on the mend, its amazing how dogs can bounce back after such trauma

Richard Quinn - 28/1/11 at 10:22 PM

I lost my last GSD with exactly that. Hope that there is a speedy recovery for him now!

MikeR - 28/1/11 at 10:24 PM

eeek. Thanks for the warning, luckily we take some of the precautions without realising but i'll keep an eye out now.

Hope your doggy is back to running around soon.

scootz - 28/1/11 at 10:40 PM

Biggest problem I find with dogs is that they are too damn tough! The ones we've had rarely show distress from pain or discomfort.

It can be difficult working out whether they a bit subdued because of a problem, or just in the huff because you're not paying them enough attention.

scottfraser - 28/1/11 at 10:52 PM

Lost one of mine to torsion, nothing worse.

Glad yours seems ok now!

MikeR - 28/1/11 at 10:54 PM

tell me about it - mine slashed 3 of his paws on the beach and didn't bother. We only noticed after he'd been running around he stopped to do his business. As i went to pick it up i saw the pools of blood! The vet bound his 'bad' foot too tight, when it swelled he was in so much pain he didn't complain just went and hid (we believe in his mind to die!) Scared the life out of us & luckily when the vet released the bandage he was fine.

Its supposed to be pack mentality, you don't show any weakness in the pack otherwise you'll lose your position in the pack.

adithorp - 28/1/11 at 11:04 PM

Glad you caught it in time. They heal quick and will soon be back on form. If it's anything like my Wiemerama it'll be climbing the walls after a couple of day "rest".
It's always a risk with deep chested breeds, pointers. wiemeramas, dobermans, greyhounds, etc. Exersise first then feed and not the otherway around. They're designed by nature to hunt, eat, sleep in that order.

handyandy - 28/1/11 at 11:39 PM

Well done on seeing the signs of Charlie not being himself

I,m sure he,ll be the usual happy Dobe in a day or 2, give him a big hug from me

We have 8 dogs here, ranging from 2yrs to 11 yrs of age, & yet its weird how I can usually see if one of them is a bit under the weather, I suppose its "knowing your dog", they are so much more than just a dog, they are a part of the family.

Best wishes to Charlie .


Wadders - 29/1/11 at 12:13 AM

We've had weimeraners for the last 20yrs and like most deep chested dogs they suffer from gastric torsions.
Had a couple of nasty incidents over the years despite feeding 3 small meals a day, with no exercise an hour either side.

Down to one bitch at the moment, when we had her spayed she also had a gastro pexy, which involves stitching the stomach to the chest wall, supposedly stops it twisting.

All the best to Charlie, sure he'll be bounding about in no time.


snapper - 29/1/11 at 06:29 AM

He must be feeling better, he's eaten a whole child.... Left the shoes though.

mr_pr - 29/1/11 at 07:26 AM

Originally posted by snapper
He must be feeling better, he's eaten a whole child.... Left the shoes though.

rusty nuts - 29/1/11 at 09:20 AM

Looks like my old Doberman, he lived until he was over 15 . Would rather have lost SWMBO !

scootz - 29/1/11 at 11:14 AM

The old girl on the farm here (Tara) has just made her final journey this morning.

She's had a corker of a life though... 15 years (super-long for a Rottie) of chasing rabbits and generally being pampered.

C'ya old buddy!

mad4x4 - 29/1/11 at 12:08 PM

Thanks for all the well wishes - he is doing fine at the moment. Lying in front of the Stove, Although the postie came up the drive and he was at the front door barking....

He's not drinking much but has his apatite back.

If one person finds out about this problem and it helps 1 dog then this post has done it's job. We were unaware of this problem, we always feed after exercise and smaller meals not 1 big meal.

We were lucky!