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help me name this song!!!
bi22le - 25/3/11 at 07:51 PM

Hi all,

This is doing my head in!!!

So the song I would guess is around 10 years old. Its a dance house baleric style song.

With a women singing it has the lyrics "I'm alive (alive word held for 8 beats as it scales down notes), take my hand". This part is pretty much repeated all through the chorus.

Im sure its amand van heldon or some name like that.



vonmoogen - 25/3/11 at 08:02 PM

Paul van Dyke?

tomgregory2000 - 25/3/11 at 08:09 PM

this one?

bi22le - 25/3/11 at 08:37 PM

AGH thats it!!!!!!

I was so close!

Im normally really good at song titles and artists within the first beat or so.

Thanks Von and Tom, both spot on!