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Two bit of tarmac
slingshot2000 - 10/4/11 at 08:57 PM

Two bits of tarmac are in a pub, talking at the bar. One says to the other, "Do you know what, I'm the hardest bit of tarmac around the M25! Me mate, 1 million cars an hour run over my back! No, they don't come much tougher than me".

The second piece says; "I'm M1 tarmac ! Although i dont like to brag, 2 million cars an hour run over me".

With that the M25 tarmac dives under a table as a red piece of tarmac comes in to get some change from the barman.
When he leaves,the M25 tarmac under the table whispers; "Has he gone yet?"

The M1 tarmac says; "You really are tough aren't you? As soon as that red tarmac came in you hid under the table!"

"So what?" says the M25 tarmac, " That was red tarmac, you dont mess with him, he is a cycle-path".

Ok, I will get my coat . . . . . . . . . . . . .

mr_pr - 10/4/11 at 09:12 PM

made me smile....