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Fancy Dress - Nautical Theme
FASTdan - 12/1/12 at 08:48 AM

As title, lets have your ideas for a costume - needs to be something original that nobody else is likely to do (so no jack sparrows) and in do-able in a true locost style :-)

Its a Nautical or sea fairing theme.

Wadders - 12/1/12 at 09:02 AM

Cover some old clothes in splashes of white paint, and when folks ask tell them you have come as Seaman Stains


Originally posted by FASTdan
As title, lets have your ideas for a costume - needs to be something original that nobody else is likely to do (so no jack sparrows) and in do-able in a true locost style :-)

Its a Nautical or sea fairing theme.

[Edited on 12/1/12 by Wadders]

jabbahutt - 12/1/12 at 09:06 AM

cheap white beard and typical captains hat (white with anchor) from local fancy dress/internet and a packet of fishfingers and go as Captain Birdseye

stevebubs - 12/1/12 at 09:09 AM

Boat...with you as the mast and your arms as the booms (?) for the sails...

bob tatt - 12/1/12 at 09:17 AM

Sponge bob square pants and when your done with it you can use the sponges

Hth rob

Benzine - 12/1/12 at 09:25 AM

Turn up looking ragged with a lifejacket and canoe paddle and be John Darwin

Cheap yoga ball, cut holes for waist, arms and head, stuff it so it keeps shape, then glue on loads of upside down plastic cups, spray paint the whole thing black and be a mine.

steve m - 12/1/12 at 10:30 AM

I like the mine one!

twybrow - 12/1/12 at 11:29 AM

Do you have acces to one of those bright yellow Helle Hansen water proof suits that were all the rage 20 years ago, and fishermen still love today? Stick some tin foil fish to you, and you are a fisherman!

Otherwise - go in a wetsuit if you are feeling brave!?

balidey - 12/1/12 at 01:22 PM

Go as a crab.
Carry a female friend on your back and when they ask who she is you can tell them.....

'This is Michelle'

owelly - 12/1/12 at 01:55 PM

Pop over to Bradford Uni Sub-aqua and borrow some dive kit. Dry suit, tank, regs, flippers, goggles, stab-jacket. Leave the weightbelt though....
Or go round nicking're a mine-sweeper.
Go with Gary can be a small bouy.
Go just as the party is finishing to pick-up drunken girls....dredger.
Polystyrene bungalow.......light house.