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designer - 27/1/12 at 11:33 AM

I have been on this forum for years and find it very helpful. BUT, it's changing from being about building problems to a general forum about anything!

I know that's what forums are for; but it seems that many members are asking questions without doing anything before hand.

Many questions such as 'I want this, I need this' are OK, but members seem to be asking question before they do anything else, because most answers are the obvious; check the suppliers, do a search!

Benzine - 27/1/12 at 11:49 AM

In the non-car chat section there are loads of threads about anything and everything. In the other sections, such as 'anything else car related' there are loads of threads about daily drivers, insurance etc. Seems legit to me.

LCB is as good as it ever was imho, life's too short to worry about a few pearoasts.

I really feel that this thread should be in the Website Discussion, Problems & Suggestions section of the forum.

[Edited on 27-1-2012 by Benzine]

ChrisLeary - 27/1/12 at 12:01 PM

Originally posted by designer
I have been on this forum for years and find it very helpful. BUT, it's changing from being about building problems to a general forum about anything!

I know that's what forums are for; but it seems that many members are asking questions without doing anything before hand.

Many questions such as 'I want this, I need this' are OK, but members seem to be asking question before they do anything else, because most answers are the obvious; check the suppliers, do a search!

I've not been a member for too long really, but I think this place is a good source of information, there's so much untrustworthy information on the internet nowadays, that a google search simply won't answer a quick question. I agree that the majority of information can be found, but I would much rather ask a question on here and know I'm getting information that is trustworthy and tried and tested, dependant on the question asked.

I also think that if you don't want to read or answer a certain question someone asks, you don't have to, but if everyone that knew the answer to a question did that, this forum would be a very boring place, which because people are willing to share information, it isn't!

Just my input to why people ask questions...


[Edited on 27/1/12 by ChrisLeary]

scootz - 27/1/12 at 12:18 PM

Dry your eyes!

This forum has been a success and has subsequently grown (as all good forums do). The general chat and banter on here is just a by-product of this.

And yes, the 'answer' may be out there for pretty much every question, about pretty much every subject, but the point of this website is to help each other where we can and to build-up a useful pool of information. Therefore, if the question isn't asked on here (no matter how 'obvious' the answer is to you), then the answer isn't added to the pool. Similarly, repetition does no harm... it simply re-enforces the point.

Here's another 'why' for you... why does a non-contributor feel the requirement to act as content advisor for the forum?

jabbahutt - 27/1/12 at 12:22 PM

To be honest I'd rather trust the information provided here on a variety of subjects rather than put my faith on items found on other sites of which I have no knowledge.

Long may LCB answer all my stupid questions

loggyboy - 27/1/12 at 12:24 PM

Agreed with all the above and largely to repeat, but if the content of this site was strictly based around the book and associated Locost car(s) and any banter that the limited number of members that would generate would mean this site would be fairly dull and no where near as diverse and useful as it is. Admitidly the same old questions come up, of which 90% could be solved with a site or google search, and half of them from just reading the IVA or MoT manual, but thats just comes with the territory. People like the reassurance of being told it for themselves.

jabbahutt - 27/1/12 at 12:27 PM

agreed with above, hence me laughing out loud in the office 2 minutes ago at the funny headline thread which has appeared this morning. Also now trying to get the coffee off my work monitor!

Hellfire - 27/1/12 at 12:43 PM

What you have to remember though, is that a lot of members of this forum finished building their cars years ago but still hang around this forum.

For me, it's a way of keeping in touch with the network of good friends and acquaintances l've made over the years and also helping other builders out if I can. As friends, I trust and value their opinions more than any of the other forums I frequent and therefore I am likely to ask more general questions than build related questions on this forum these days.

What really annoys me on some other forums, is when new members ask questions and are promptly told to do a search as the question has been asked many times before. I don't mind answering questions that have been asked many times before. For example, the question of 'Which is best, CEC or BEC?..' has been asked lots of times and I always reply and provide the correct answer.......


Irony - 27/1/12 at 12:52 PM

I agree that some post are car not kitcar related need to be kept in the right section. Thats fine. If you don't want to view non-car related posts then don't click on them.

What does annoy me is people who title there posts with subjects like 'WHY'. Just to pluck one example out of the air!! Giving me zero info on what the said link contains. Waste of my time and makes searching for information at a later date difficult as the returned search results contain posts with no useful info.

[Edited on 27/1/12 by Irony]

[Edited on 27/1/12 by Irony]

wylliezx9r - 27/1/12 at 12:58 PM

Originally posted by designer
I have been on this forum for years and find it very helpful. BUT, it's changing from being about building problems to a general forum about anything!

I know that's what forums are for; but it seems that many members are asking questions without doing anything before hand.

Many questions such as 'I want this, I need this' are OK, but members seem to be asking question before they do anything else, because most answers are the obvious; check the suppliers, do a search!

Here's what you should do : simply read the title of the post (without opening it). If then you find you have no interest in the subject, dont open the thread. Problem solved.

This place would be very boring if all we talked about was cars alone.

Fieldy - 27/1/12 at 01:03 PM

Who cares what people post, if you’re not interested in the subject then don’t post a response.

If you ask a question about cars it gets answered, that’s the main thing…

nick205 - 27/1/12 at 01:06 PM

I'm happy here, I like the people, the content, the humour and the resource.

As Hellfire said there's a lot of ex builders on here who still have an interest if not a car (myself included). I enjoy some of the questions which make me trawl my brain to remember what I did when building my car.

Long live LCB, it's members and diversity

lsdweb - 27/1/12 at 01:55 PM

Great site (the best forum I frequent) and you can always find the answer on here! I've not had a '7' for about 7 years but I'm on here just as much, if not more these days!

I do tend to skim down the list to see if there's anything of interest to me, so I end up skipping the numerous threads on bolt on / push in driveshafts for instance!


wilkingj - 27/1/12 at 02:05 PM

I finished my car 5 years ago. I still post, as there are are always people (including newbies) that want help on a number of subjects that even include car building! Its also a way of staying in touch with many others whom have become good friends via this forum during my Viento build (most have finished their cars as well!).

IMHO its not a problem, what people ask, within the boundaries of common decency etc.
AS LONG as its in the right section No Probs.
Even when someone gets it in the wrong section its no big deal.

This is one of the best, most informative and friendliest forums I have come across.

Dont knock it. General rule is simple as is most things in life. If you dont like it, dont reply and move on to the next thread. Failing that, go eslewhere.
No offence intended to anyone reading this.

TimEllershaw - 27/1/12 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by jabbahutt
To be honest I'd rather trust the information provided here on a variety of subjects rather than put my faith on items found on other sites of which I have no knowledge.

Long may LCB answer all my stupid questions


It's nice to find a group of like-minded individuals, and I would trust Your (collective) opinions on most subjects. I've not been a member long (couple of years) and have not buit a car, but have thoroughly enjoyed lurking and learning, and contributing whenever I can.
With the huge breadth of knowledge here it has become an excellent resource and sounding board for just about any subject. I think it is only natural that as a group learns more about each other, the conversation wanders : that's true on forums and is true is day-to-day life.


[Edited on 27/1/2012 by TimEllershaw]

JoelP - 27/1/12 at 02:11 PM

nevermind all that nonsense, its just started snowing in leeds!

jabbahutt - 27/1/12 at 02:15 PM

Car building info aside the diversity of peoples occupations, other hobbies and backgrounds means that the number of subjects which you can get assistance here is pretty staggering.

A true font of knowledge, just waiting for a subject which I actually know about to have a question posted

TAZZMAXX - 27/1/12 at 02:39 PM

On another car forum I'm on we constantly get noobs asking the same old questions and we have the same few people who jump on them and tell them to do a search. Searching is OK when you half know what it is you're looking for but if you have no clue as to what the answers might be then asking is the only way. The person asking the questions doesn't realise it gets asked every day. Without questions being asked and if every new member just searched the forum would stagnate and then people would criticise it saying that there was never anything going on.

swanny - 27/1/12 at 03:04 PM

many moons ago i did some research work on these sorts of online communities of practice (communities joined by a common goal)

what the research said then (things may have moved on) was that without off topic stuff these forums fail.
it is that which truly engages people over the long term.

people will log on with a specific request and get an answer but it is the social/interesting stuff that will have them checking back ten times a day.... oops

a service where you ask a question and a simple answer pops out is a search engine.

an onkine community can genuinely bring people together, whilst doing the above.,



RK - 27/1/12 at 03:19 PM

Most people I gather, are not building, or haven't built, a "Locost" as per Uncle Ron, due to IVA and a desire to have something better looking and reliable than in the past. They have gone for new parts in "kits" available from more and more suppliers over the years. This makes for more cars on the roads, and happy talkative builders, and - voila!! - more people on the forum. More people equals more ideas. Even threads like this, which could, perhaps mistakenly, been seen as trolling, are well appreciated by most on here, I think, because, even though it is pure fantasy, most humans think everyone else wants to hear their opinion.

Ninehigh - 27/1/12 at 04:17 PM

Haven't we had this discussion before?

iank - 27/1/12 at 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Haven't we had this discussion before?

Around every 2 years.

Ninehigh - 27/1/12 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by Ninehigh
Haven't we had this discussion before?

Around every 2 years.

I'm sure the last one was titled "Why?" too

blakep82 - 27/1/12 at 04:57 PM

quote, but reply was deleted
Along these lines perhaps... Designers Last 'Why' Thread Linky!

best bit is if he'd used the search feature, he'd have found the answer without having to ask on here!

thing is, searching on the forum can be difficult, its just how it is. badly titled threads, bad speeling. it doesn't bother me really, i can always ask again if needed.

i've tried searching for threads i'd seen before, searched for everything i could think of, and not found it. eventually when i do find it, its got a title like 'why' which doesn't relate to the actual subject when using the search.

every persons car on here is slightly different in many ways, so if someone asks a question about er, bike carb jet sizes for a 2 ltr and they have a pinto, and i've got a 2 ltr vauxhall, the answer may well be different. worth asking again. I've also asked a question one day, someone else asks the same question a few days later, getsa totally different response for a different set of people.

also, if you want to limit the site to locosts, there's actually not many people still building locosts as per the book, the Ron Champion book to be specific. as a very rough guess, you might end up with a forum with about 15 people on here perhaps, which is next to useless tbh

[Edited on 27/1/12 by blakep82]

Ninehigh - 27/1/12 at 05:04 PM

I think I've seen one person who's declaring that they're building a book 7 on their "building" section over there <<<

blakep82 - 27/1/12 at 05:06 PM

to be fair, when i said that, i did just narrow it down to anyone building their own chassis, book or no book, 7 or middy or other

MakeEverything - 27/1/12 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by designer
I have been on this forum for years and find it very helpful. BUT, it's changing from being about building problems to a general forum about anything!

I know that's what forums are for; but it seems that many members are asking questions without doing anything before hand.

Many questions such as 'I want this, I need this' are OK, but members seem to be asking question before they do anything else, because most answers are the obvious; check the suppliers, do a search!

[Edited on 27-1-12 by MakeEverything]