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Marketing jobs scam
yozza - 29/2/12 at 11:27 PM

Hi All
My son was delighted today to recieve two calls for an interview, both for different marketing companies based in the same offices in Liverpool. A susequent call from each of them sounded promising, words like 'team leader' 'management opportunities' graduate focused company' etc were bandied about. In order to prepare for the interview we conducted some research and it seems that sadly both companies are notorious for deftly deluding people into selling door to door for 10 hours a day on a commission only basis, which is rarely paid anyway. None of this is mentioned apparently, in interviews or their website. We have thought about turning the tables on them at the interviews and have draughted an 'updated C.V'. Both these companies have my sons details from the C.V posted online. If he goes ahead and puts his own spin on the interview what is the worst that can happen? Should he go ahead? would I be able to put the C.V on here? (no personal details on it) .
Any suggestions are also welcome before 13.00hrs tomorrow.

blakep82 - 29/2/12 at 11:33 PM

worst that can happen is they'll say no thanks i guess.
whats your plans?

yozza - 29/2/12 at 11:57 PM

We have thought about developing tourettes, asking if the office is wheelchair accessible (door to door sales) or just generally making a nuisance of himself but we are open to suggestions. He wont be taking the job, just to clear that up!

blakep82 - 1/3/12 at 02:12 AM

I don't know really. Trying to answer all questions with another question would be fun though

graememk - 1/3/12 at 04:12 AM

we once interviewed someone whos main reply to all questions was,"jigsaws", he enjoyed doing them, would he have time to do them at lunch, would there be a area where he could set one up ect ect

we could only assume he didnt want the job and we very nearly employed him for a laugh.

[Edited on 1/3/12 by graememk]

morcus - 1/3/12 at 04:56 AM

Answer every question with a ridiculous claim that isn't even relevent even if it was true. Say they ask you where you see yourself in 5 years, claim you invented curtains.

scudderfish - 1/3/12 at 06:23 AM

<sensible hat>
If he's going to turn up for it, use it as proper practice for the interview after. Don't take the wee and treat it like a real interview only safe in the knowledge that the outcome doesn't matter.
</sensible hat>

designer - 1/3/12 at 08:48 AM

Don't see why you are worrying!

Do the interview and then say Yes or No.

Ninehigh - 1/3/12 at 08:53 AM

If you really want to panic them go in with a recorder and a whole bunch of printouts with these scam claims on them. Then ask some very awkward questions.

owelly - 1/3/12 at 09:13 AM

Why waste your time. If your son doesn't want to work for them, ring them, cancel the interview and worry about more important things.
Is it really a scam? Do they scam you out of money? Do they force you work for them? The only 'scammy' bit, seems to be the impression they give to get you to the interview.