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Electric Garage Door Security
davidimurray - 19/11/13 at 02:17 PM

Brother in law has had his garage broken into a couple of times now. It's an electric door but being a double it is very big and flexible and the scum are pulling a corner out and crawling under it. I've suggested to him about putting bolts in the corners/bottom but he doesn't want to do this as his other half works strange hours and often comes home late at night so want to retain the ability to open the door without leaving the car.

Pondering the idea, I was thinking you could get a new remote controlled relay unit, connect this to the door switch in the garage and then use another relay to drive a copule of solenoids that are fitted in the bottom corners of the frame. Solenoids would be normally sprung out and pick up on a catch on the door. When you come to open the door you would first withdraw the solenoids with a time delay relay, then have a delay before opening the door.

Has anyone tried anything like this and if so any advice?

daveb666 - 19/11/13 at 02:25 PM

Why not just buy the cheapest house alarm for £99 and get the relevant phone app to be notified if it goes off (as well as the usual bells and whistles).

Or alternatively add an extra sensor in the garage if he already has an alarm?

joneh - 19/11/13 at 03:44 PM

Can he add any braces to the door to reduce flexing?

Failing that, barbed wire, broken glass, razor blades, mains power or a "Denver Jockstrap" to the corners?

(Naked Gun reference)

yellowcab - 19/11/13 at 03:48 PM

Dave I think he wants to prevent the people getting in, in the first place - as opposed to getting a text saying 'you're being burgled, kind regards'

daveb666 - 19/11/13 at 04:01 PM

Originally posted by yellowcab
Dave I think he wants to prevent the people getting in, in the first place - as opposed to getting a text saying 'you're being burgled, kind regards'

If there'd been an alarm the first time it's unlikely they'd have come back a second time.

davidimurray - 19/11/13 at 04:20 PM

He has now fitted an alarm to the garage but as you say he really wants to try and stop them getting in in the first place. TBH the door is cr*p, with it shut you can push the bottom out about 6 to 8 inches just with a gentle push of the foot. Considered stiffening but it is so wide I can't see it being easy to achieve a rock solid door.

He was well up for the razor blades under the bottom edge but as his other half works for the force she wasn't too keen! Might be cheaper to leave her in there with a truncheon!

yellowcab - 19/11/13 at 04:23 PM

To add rigidity why not a scaffold tube (plenty long enough), tack welded or bolted to the 'inside' the the door if you catch my drift.

This will prevent them from 'peeling' the door open?

Ben_Copeland - 19/11/13 at 04:25 PM

I thought most electric door openers had a facility to operate the locking latches? So you can retain the handle etc.

You just need to reverse the latches and put them at the bottom. If it's not built into the unit there should be an adaptor for it?

Peteff - 19/11/13 at 04:37 PM

Put a threshold in front of the door to stop it being pulled out or put something like a catch on the back of the door that drops over a pin in the floor to stop it from flexing out.

jacko - 19/11/13 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
I thought most electric door openers had a facility to operate the locking latches? So you can retain the handle etc.

You just need to reverse the latches and put them at the bottom. If it's not built into the unit there should be an adaptor for it?

This is just what i was thinking, two spring loaded slide bolts connected by wire cables so when the electric opener works it pulls on the cables and unlocks the bolts

David Jenkins - 19/11/13 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Put a threshold in front of the door to stop it being pulled out or put something like a catch on the back of the door that drops over a pin in the floor to stop it from flexing out.

Both good and relatively cheap suggestions!

chrism - 19/11/13 at 11:55 PM

Not a cheap solution but how about a roller garage door, you can get electric versions and would be a lot more solid. Theres plenty of companies on the internet that can supply them, depends on how much he wants to spend really.

RickRick - 20/11/13 at 07:20 AM

spigots in the floor with brackets or just holes in the bottom of the door, as the door slides down, goes over spigots. you can get them large (m10?) expanding bolts, grind a taper onto the threaded part of them

MikeR - 20/11/13 at 10:06 AM

nursery my kids go to has a electro magnetic door lock. could one not be fitted to either side of the door?

davidimurray - 20/11/13 at 10:25 AM

Thanks everyone. Some interesting ideas there - will have to have another look at the door and see what we can rig up.