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Insurance advice needed.
DorsetStrider - 20/12/05 at 10:05 AM

Hiya merry christmas all.

A friend of mine came out of her house yesterday only to find that some scrote of a workman (we are assuming it's a workman as they have 4 lots working down her street at the moment) had hit the side of her new (new to her not new NEW) car. He hadn't left any message of apology or contact details and apparently the damage is quite extensive so he must have known he'd hit her car.

Now am I just dreaming this or do I remember seeing on here a while ago that it's possible to claim in a situation like this from the uninsured drivers thing? So she can get the repairs done without losing her no claims.

I've done a search but can't find anything so am not sure now if I really did see something along these lines or if my imagination is playing tricks again.

Thanks in advance for any help / advice.

And god bless us......every one! (always wanted to say that )

[Edited on 20/12/05 by DorsetStrider]

smart51 - 20/12/05 at 10:26 AM

If she had comprihensive insurance then she can claim on her own policy but will then loose some no-claims bonus and may be moved onto a more expensive policy next year.

She could report the incident to the police, who may investigate and find a white van nearby with a dent in it and traces of paint from your friends car...

A neighbour's mother reversed into my car several years ago and she drove off without leaving details. Another neighbour tipped me off. I went round to the mothers house a couple of streets away and looed at the paint marks on her rear bumper. Husband of the mother came out and asked what I was looking at. I told him that I'd been tipped off that Mother had crashed into my car and driven off, to which he said no. I then replied. Fair enough then. I'll just report the mystery driver to the police then. Sorry to bother you. Ooh, look. theres blue paint on your red car there. I left. Two minutes later he came round to my house, appologised. He paid for the repairs in cash.

ChrisGamlin - 20/12/05 at 10:28 AM

There is something like that. I might be wrong but I would think you'd need to identify the driver and then show that they were uninsured before you'd stand a hope of claiming anything from them, the procedure is usually used for when you're hit by a joyrider etc.

emsfactory - 20/12/05 at 10:32 AM

Hire some heavies. Workies have no respect for law and order but shove some muscle at them and watch the change.
Have seen it done before.

DorsetStrider - 20/12/05 at 10:47 AM

Hmmmmmm Ok.

I'm gonna get her to put a sign in the window of her car asking for details from any witnesses....

Who know's maybe whoever did it will have an attack of guilty and own up.... (don't worry I'm not gonna hold my breath)

zzrpowerd-locost - 20/12/05 at 11:50 AM

The bin men round here carry sticky pouches with contact details in, slap one on your windscreen if they catch your car with their wagon. Looks just like a parking ticket as you walk up to the vehicle.

My neighbours had his os mirror knocked off, walks up to the car cursing cos he thinks hes got a ticket, imagine the scene when he sees the side of the car

steve_gus - 20/12/05 at 01:44 PM

so, you are gonna threaten who out of the (four or so was it said?) groups of builders working down the street? Exactly where does the average lady driver hire a bunch of heavies to pick on a typically wimpy builder......

If those 'workies' also have mates, she might find they have tarmacked her car, not the drive next morning - it will be clear to them who is making the threats - unless there are several damaged cars in the street....

better advice might be to ask mark allanson on this forum who is an insurance assesor who until the last year worked in a car body repair shop.



Originally posted by emsfactory
Hire some heavies. Workies have no respect for law and order but shove some muscle at them and watch the change.
Have seen it done before.

[Edited on 20/12/05 by steve_gus]

DorsetStrider - 20/12/05 at 02:21 PM

While it's true that being a little guy I do have some borderline psychotic tendancies (mostly when it comes to the teletubbies) however even I'm not stupid enough (and that's saying something) to take on 40+ builders by myself.

Also the lady in question lives 350 miles away. Have told her to report the incident to both the police and council (the workers are working for the council) and stick a sign in her window asking for witnesses and the guilty party to own up. (stranger things HAVE happened.... I bought a take that CD once!)