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Sky TV ?
Confused but excited. - 19/11/06 at 08:01 PM

Can anyone tell me why, when Sky (along with everyone else) are trying to get us all to go HD, they are putting on more and more crap programmes from the 60's with sh*t quality 405 line out of focus pictures.
I really object to paying for crap that was free donkey's years ago.

Rant over.

jacko - 19/11/06 at 08:03 PM

theconrodkid - 19/11/06 at 08:12 PM

its so you have go to digital to watch anything decent,my telly goes out the window when that happens analog stops

StevieB - 20/11/06 at 09:53 AM

I've got sky (not HD) and there only seesm to be a few channels that are HD only at the moment.

I don't know if it makes your normal channels any better (I don't see how it could, but I'm no expert), and the picture is good enough for me anyway.

Peteff - 20/11/06 at 10:12 AM

£30 from a lot of places now. You can get a little thing that plugs straight into your scart so you don't have a box under the telly.

spunky - 20/11/06 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
its so you have go to digital to watch anything decent,my telly goes out the window when that happens analog stops

My Telly goes once my current license expires, just don't watch the damn thing, From what I can gather the only programs are Soaps, talent shows or some reality tv bollox.

Then prepare for the fight when I tell them I no longer require a TV lisense....

iank - 20/11/06 at 11:08 AM

Why not get rid now and claim a refund on the unused license. It really irritates the licenseing authority but I believe it can be done.

Peteff - 20/11/06 at 01:10 PM

At our old address we used to get reminders telling us that we did not have a current licence for No15 ****** street. I finally gave up telling them it was because we lived at No19 after a couple of years and they never tried to take any further action. If you do get rid make sure you dispose of the tv, vcr or whatever else you have capable of receiving a signal and take down the aerial or you are still liable for the licence fee in the eyes of a court.

spunky - 20/11/06 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by iank
Why not get rid now and claim a refund on the unused license. It really irritates the licenseing authority but I believe it can be done.

Cool... didn't know you could get a refund.

I'm assuming I'll have to pull the TV card from the PC. But why the hell should I take down the aerial....? I can't watch TV on an aerial.

Gonna be fun I think.