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thunderace - 25/11/06 at 01:09 AM

Originally posted by owelly
I agree with the small parking space thing, but I still get really piffed off when folks park in the 'Family Bays' when it's obvious, they havn't even bothered to borrow any kids to bring! Have you ever tried to install a wriggly toddler into his bracket through an almost closed door?? And just because you are sat in the car with the engine running, doesn't mean you can still park there. And don't get me started on folks pulling up in the disabled bays and running off down the road......

There were no such thing as family bays when my kids were small, so what's the big deal.

I thought disabled had equal rights now, so why haven't they got an equal right to fight for a parking space the same as I have to.?



omega 24 v6 - 25/11/06 at 10:40 AM

I think it's ridiculous that there is a need to discriminate between disabled/family parking spaces and the ones for the rest of us.
How many times have you had your car binged by another door or shopping trolley cause they're parked to close together. Have you seen a car reversed parked and the occupants loading the boot with items that are lying on the bonnet of the car behind and that's just the start of my list of gripes.
You'll see the "park at your own risk" signs that make the park owners exempt from paying for any damage to cars. Untill they pay for any damage to cars then I'll park where I want (except disabled). Familly spaces should be allocated as far away from the shop as possible. The walk would tire the little buggers out and maybe they'd behave better in the store
And another thing can anyone answer a question.
Do multistorey car parks count the disabled spaces when they're signs say "spaces"??
If you go into a packed one and the only spaces left are disabled then that's a problem. Also the cars that use 2 bays to park should be towed away and crushed

Rant over

Paul (Notts) - 25/11/06 at 11:28 AM

The misuse of disabled and family parking spaces simply reflects the selfish nature of an ever increasing number of people toady.

These are the same sort of people who continuously complain about being caught on speed cameras or getting parking tickets.

Just because you do not understand the need for a family parking space does not mean that it should not exist, or that you have the right to ignore the needs of others.


spunky - 25/11/06 at 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire...
Nice Simple Joke NWS

I parked in a disabled space the other day and this traffic warden
shouted to me-

'Oi, what's your disability mate?'

I shouted back to him

'Tourettes you c*nt, now f*ck off!'

Does it specify anywhere that you must have a child in tow to park in a family bay?
Not in my local Waitrose it doesn't. But then again you dont get many kids in Waitrose, I guess thats part of the choice, have children and shop at Iceland or remain childless and enjoy Waitrose and M&S.... Damn, I'm such a snob


Peteff - 25/11/06 at 12:10 PM

If they ask you what you are doing parking in the mother and child bay unaccompanied just burst into tears and cry " I've lost my mummy", that should get you off.

omega 24 v6 - 25/11/06 at 02:39 PM


The misuse of disabled and family parking spaces simply reflects the selfish nature of an ever increasing number of people toady

Not entirely true.
IMHO the misuse of familly spaces is due to the fact that not enough room is left between space for the types of card we have on the road. We don't all drive small family cars and some of us have large families and a large car to suit. Park two (say clios side by side and if they are 4 doors it's not much of a problem) do the same with a couple of say volvo estates (nice familly car) and the story is different.

I always try and park where there is plenty of space so my beloved hard worked for car does not get dinged by some twucking fat who cant' be arsed to look before his ignorant self (or offspring) throw the doors wide open with an OOP's sorry about that attitude.
It's all about education and respect and I see very little of that in todays society.
So for those of us who care about our cars whether new or old they could have a compound of 20 spaces or so that you pay to leave and which are monitored on video where you can park in the knowledge that your pride and joy is being looked after by big brother.
The money raisewd by the supermarkets could be donated to local charities etc.
Also I never would park in a disabled space.

Paul (Notts) - 25/11/06 at 03:29 PM


It's all about education and respect and I see very little of that in todays society

Having spent the last 15 years teaching in comprehensive schools I have seen a massive change in behaviour and a total loss of respect for anything in today’s up and coming generations. The future is not good..........

DIY Si - 25/11/06 at 03:38 PM

Not all young people are bad! I'll admit many are, but my friends, and me, at least are generally considerate and polite. I do know what you all mean though, as my friends and I are often gripping about the same things you "older" generations are!

Confused but excited. - 25/11/06 at 04:17 PM

The biggest problem is the car park owners. They try to cram as many vehicles as possible into the space available, instead of making an individual space wide enough to park a car and open the doors fully. It is the same with house builders that build a garage that you can get a car in but then can't get out of, because you cannot open the doors!

DavidM - 25/11/06 at 05:26 PM

Originally posted by thunderace


It would seem that having made a completely off the cuff tongue in cheek comment Thunderace has deemed it necessary to start a whole thread devoted to me, no doubt so that everybody can see what a nasty disabled basher I am.

(Although Dave M is probably wondering what it's all about.)

Having had three kids, I've been shopping over the years at times with one in a carrycot, one in a pushchair and one walking with a weeks worth of shopping and a 2 door car. During that time none of us have ever dinged another car. This is because we have always taken care not to, and have kept the kids under control. We also didn't winge and whine because it was difficult and required a bit of basic co-ordination, or that it was "too far to walk from our parking space to the shops" .
I therefore resent the fact that having done that, everyone else who now has kids, gets priority over me. Why?
I never park in family spaces, but that doesn't mean I agree with them.

As far as disabled spaces go, I never park in them either, and I have no problem with allocating a small number of spaces for the use of people with genuine MOBILITY problems.

It has to be said though that nowadays if you park in any supermarket carpark you'll see perhaps 20 cars in the disabled spaces all displaying their orange badges, but walking round the supermarket you'll be hard pressed to find more than a couple with any sign of a MOBILITY problem.
I see them all, the work shy , bad back brigade who are barefaced enough to convince the social that they don't need to work for a living, and then get a new car every couple of years at our expense, and free priority parking. The problem is nowadays they'll give out disabled badges to anybody with a hard luck story, but disabled, is no longer the same thing as IMMOBILE.

If this offends anybody,then I'm sorry, but it's the way I see it.


DavidM - 25/11/06 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by DavidM

As far as disabled spaces go, I never park in them either, and I have no problem with allocating a small number of spaces for the use of people with genuine MOBILITY problems.

It would seem that either you didn't, as you so often like to say, read read read my post.

I know nothing about you so am unable to say which category you fit into, although you appear to have decided yourself.


t.j. - 25/11/06 at 07:56 PM

He guys.

Keep up.

It only started with the room in the parkingplaces, cheer up!

Locost's don't need much room and there are NO doors to scratch


My mother is disabled by getting no air.
I think she needs an disabled parkingplace.

But here in Holland are no places where 20 parkingplaces are for the disabled

So the rest of the people:
Try to find one

And by the way there is plenty of room in the world. Don't be shi...... Move to the country-side