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Mobile phone sales people...make me laugh...
tegwin - 14/1/08 at 04:33 PM

I have decided rather reluctantly that my 4 year old brick is about due for replacement, I wondered into the local Phones4U store to have a look at the phones stuck on the wall...

No sooner had I walked in, I was pounced on by two sales people, they sat me down and proceeded to try and start filling in paperwork to "profile me" with my new phone...They didnt seem interested in the fact that I was rather interested in one of their more expensive phones.....

Im not really big headed or anything, but I am inteligent enough to select which phone I want, just by looking at the phones on the wall... but nooo...they wanted to profile me and then choose a phone for me, which honestly was a pile of rubbish....All the while the other sales people in the store kept joining in telling me how amazing the phone was, and how much of a good deal it was...They tried every trick in the book to make me buy TODAY....

Eventually I got up to leave, having had quite enough...And the female sales person I had been talking to, asked if I had any issues with their sales technique or was it just her that I didnt like...

Now, she was ugly, but I couldnt bring myself to say that to her face because I was lauging so much....

Seriously, im just going to stay home, on the internet and order the phone I sodding well want!

Mini rant over...

graememk - 14/1/08 at 04:38 PM

tell me about it, it used to be my job to train people to do that.

phones 4u are really bad at forced sales and have a really hight staff turn over.

i wouldnt buy from anywhere else.

RazMan - 14/1/08 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by tegwin

Seriously, im just going to stay home, on the internet and order the phone I sodding well want!

Yep, that's my policy too. I really hate pressure sales but most of all cold calling when I'm resting from a night shift.

BenB - 14/1/08 at 04:55 PM

I'd only ever buy a phone over the net now. Last time I went to Carphone Warehouse to buy a phone there were a couple of "customers" sat in the corner not showing much interest in buying a phone, just sat doing nothing. I ordered my phone and did all the usual name, address, postcode kind of stuff.
A month later a bill comes to a house two doors down (but same postcode) addressed to my surname but first name as Wayne (mine is Ben). Thanks to me having adenoids the size of grapefruit it probably sounds the same (but I know the CW person took it down right cos I've got the paperwork).
All seems very dodge. Right surname, right postcode, wrong address and a first name that sounds similar. I suspect the geezers in the corner were listening in and doing some nice little ID fraud.
Vodaphone had let "Wayne" run up a bill for £600 in a month before they got suspicious.....

vinny1275 - 14/1/08 at 05:21 PM

I've been to a car place like that. You could tell it had been designed by the hard sell people - when you agreed to buy a car, you were taken upstairs to a separate area, which was barred off from the rest of the place, and awkward to get out of - to make you feel like once you'd agreed there was no way back.

they also did the "we need to profile you for a car" bit, when I knew exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.

the worst bit, when we left having (surprisingly) not bought a car, he had to go to his manager and explain why!!


adithorp - 14/1/08 at 05:22 PM

Funny you should post that as its exactly what I was going to do! Spent Sat' afternoon looking at phones.

"Can I help you"
"Not right now"
"Is there anything in particular you want?"
"Yes, to be left alone, now wee off!"

I just wanted to look at and handle the phones first before I made a choice. Bought one off the net last night and saved £40, I'd have prefered to pay the extra for some good service in a shop...but not to be talked down to by some spotty git in a cheap suit and dirty shoes.


tegwin - 14/1/08 at 05:41 PM

Ho hum...

Just parted with a lot of money online...Bought a shiny new SPV M600.....Nearly £300 cheaper than they had it for in P4U....silly twunks!

Shops like that are good character building excersizes...think I might go try a few more, just for kicks tommorow...

[Edited on 14/1/08 by tegwin]

RazMan - 14/1/08 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
...Bought a shiny new SPV M600.....Nearly £300 cheaper than they had it for in P4U....silly twunks!

Betcha this one is cheaper ..... $30!!link

[Edited on 14-1-08 by RazMan]

tegwin - 14/1/08 at 06:01 PM


Look the part without having to get confused by any complex menus or even figure out how to turn it on

[Edited on 14/1/08 by tegwin]

joneh - 14/1/08 at 09:26 PM

Phones4U made me laugh when I went in there too. Very pushy. All the old sales techniques coming out, like the finger print on the screen. ( You clean it off on your shirt, its an inferred ownership). I bought from carphone warehouse in the end as they gave me £100 cash back, straight onto my credit card.

rf900rush - 14/1/08 at 11:07 PM

They are not all bad just most!

I went to town with wife to buy her late Xmas Prezzy.

Of to O2 in Epsom for a Pay as U Go phone she wanted.
Not caontract so they suggested going to Car Phone Warehouse.

So off we went.

In we went and no pouncing sales.

Looked for the Phone but could not find a P.A.Y.G. one.

Then went up to the girl on the desk and asked.

Do you have this Phone on P.A.Y.G. ?
How Much.
Yes we will take it.


Or was it just a post xmas lucky day!.

Dazza - 15/1/08 at 01:46 PM

yes, i agree, its luck of the draw, i went into P4U 2 months ago, got set upon from all angles. made a quick exit.
went on last week, all different staff, and only one asked if i needed help. "thanks, just looking" and he left me alone.

will have to make a trip soon, unless i find the right deal online, as need a new phone. the N70 is slowly dieing and 3 is shizer. see if they can give me a good deal with cash back to cover the rest of my contract, they offered it a few months back but wasnt really after a mobile then....

always ask for a cash back etc as they will do lots to get you to sign on the dotted line.