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Ebay- Total Wripoff!
tegwin - 5/2/08 at 03:32 PM

I recently sold a phone on ebay for £100 including postage....

I was paid by paypal, so was charged £3 fee...

I was then charged over £7 for the pleasure of using ebay to sell the phone...

So thats 10% of my sale price gone to Ebay....What a massive wripoff!


Seriously, what happened to the usefull, cheap, usable ebay of 4 years ago!

muzchap - 5/2/08 at 03:36 PM

Are you the locost equivalent of Jonathan Wwwwrooosss?

(ripoff vs wripoff)

Yeah it is pricey - but hey it's a captive market...And it does sell

90% of something is better than a 100% of nothing is how most would view it

Oh and to really cheer you up - have a look at your deductions column on your payslip - I think you'll find Ebay are pretty reasonable in comparison


[Edited on 5/2/08 by muzchap]

smart51 - 5/2/08 at 03:39 PM

You expect them to do it for free? Companies don't do that.

tegwin - 5/2/08 at 03:40 PM

For free...No, but its just getting more and more expensive...

They must sell over a million items a day, if each item makes them £5, thats £1680 million pounds a year....even with silly overheads, thats a big ass proffit!

I have requested that the finance department tipex the deductions column before I recieve the paycheque...

I dont want to see how much money I am paying for the government to do bugger all for me!

[Edited on 5/2/08 by tegwin]

bonzoronnie - 5/2/08 at 03:40 PM

Multi million pound greed

Ebay & Paypal (Ebay again ) Fees are going up & up all the time


worX - 5/2/08 at 03:40 PM

The phone I've just put on there myself is the first thing I've said I will accept paypal on for years.

I hate the fact that they (ebay & paypal) take so much, I too think it's a complete rip-off.

If it wasn't for the fact that I just totally copied someone elses advert, I would of said cheque only, even though I know it puts lots of people off and I get less money - at least that way paypal don't get any off me!


Dazza - 5/2/08 at 03:44 PM

its pricey, but as mentioned, captive audience..

i hate ebay but have no choice, have to use it, onloy way to sell stuff, and one of the cheapest to buy things to....

and they know it.

muzchap - 5/2/08 at 03:45 PM

The problem is - it takes a sh*t load of server processing to keep ebay up and running, along with quite a sizeable admin team - the same for paypal.

I realise its profitable, but there are LOTS of overheads! Running online isn't as cheap as everybody makes out... You only ever get half a story...

To be fair - it is an 'opt' in scheme - you could try Amazon marketplace, but that's just as expensive now.

Or revert back to local free ads...?

All are viable - but Ebay is truly global and 10% cost for a global reach is a pretty good price.

Just my opinion..


onzarob - 5/2/08 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
I recently sold a phone on ebay for £100 including postage....

I was paid by paypal, so was charged £3 fee...

I was then charged over £7 for the pleasure of using ebay to sell the phone...

So thats 10% of my sale price gone to Ebay....What a massive wripoff!


Seriously, what happened to the usefull, cheap, usable ebay of 4 years ago!

That no more expensive than when I sold a phone in 2004 for £100.

They way I look at its is that the phone would only sell for £50 locally so it win win

[Edited on 5-2-2008 by onzarob]

donut - 5/2/08 at 04:46 PM

I received a note from ebay saying they are going to drop the cost of putting stuff on ebay. Aparently they do 'listen to their customers'...yeah right!

Jon Ison - 5/2/08 at 04:59 PM

We complain about it sometimes especially paypal, see my recent paypal thread but the truth is my wife's business would not sell 95% of the items she does without it, and with no shop overheads its actually quite cheap, even though it does make you cough a bit when the invoice comes through, compared to premises, rates, advertising, hoping someone will drop in and purchase etc....
Almost all of her stuff leaves here by courier that's another business that must love ebay.

To be honest she factors in both ebay and paypal fee's, they have to be paid after all.

tegwin - 5/2/08 at 05:05 PM

Its ok having such high prices for commercial stuff..

But for the little man selling off his old toys, its crazy...

short track 123 - 5/2/08 at 06:04 PM

Now this is why some charge lots to post because eBay does not take a cut of the postage.

If you sell something for £100 with free postage EBay will take £5.25+ Listing Fee

If you sell the same thing for .99p with postage of £99.01 EBay will then take .05p + listing fee.

So total taken by Ebay and paypal £10.85 or £5.65 depending on which way you list it.

These fee may not be right for Phones for some strange reason they have different rates or different things ( Phones beaning one of them.

They may well pull the things you are selling if it is as blatant as the e.g I have given

[Edited on 5/2/08 by short track 123]

short track 123 - 5/2/08 at 06:08 PM

They are going to change ( EBay costs )
They say the charges will be coming down.

Believe it when i see it .........................

speedyxjs - 5/2/08 at 08:52 PM

I know how you feel. Iv recently been selling a few things on the bay after about a year of not and i couldnt beleive the prices but what can you do other than moan?

owelly - 5/2/08 at 08:57 PM

I wince slightly when Paypal and Ebay take thier cut but then I soon cheer up when I sell something 'out of Ebay' that I've hadlisted and then cancelled. Yup, it's me that's pushing the cost of ebay up......

I once had a listing pulled because I stated that if paying by Paypal, I wanted an extra 3% to go towards the fees. I was 'circumnavigating the pay structure'!!