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Enough with the Girly Avatars lads!!
D Beddows - 1/7/08 at 07:59 AM

Not wishing to appear unduly boring but can we loose the large animated girly avatars please!! They're impossible to miss and make you look a right pervert when your looking on here at work - not to mention if the wife and kids catch sight of them at home......

Nothing against the odd pussy picture personaly lol and there is a place for porn (in fact there are countless places ) but does it have to be here!?

Sorry to get all Mary Whitehouse

tegwin - 1/7/08 at 08:01 AM

Sadly I have to nice as they are it just makes browsing the site at work difficult!

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 08:02 AM

You can turn the pictures of in the internet options section

I’ll be a prude and admit it is a problem at work (I can’t change the internet settings here, locked out).

I don't know if it is possible to stop the default setting where a new page automatically scrolls to the far left rather than where I left it to hide the pictures?

[Edited on 1/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

DaveFJ - 1/7/08 at 08:11 AM

Much as like some of the Avatars - and have been known to display a few myself....

I have had to put a privacy screen filter on one of my monitors at work just for browsing so the whole office doesnt see....

chrsgrain - 1/7/08 at 08:11 AM

Have to agree..... work access is a bit tricky!

Fozzie made a sensible and measured point (as always!) on another thread regarding this.....


Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 08:18 AM

for problem avatars...

Agriv8 - 1/7/08 at 08:19 AM

I have to say that they would land on the wrong side of the fence if I were be caught at work with them dancing away.



Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 08:20 AM

found a more discreet version !

Humbug - 1/7/08 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
You can turn the pictures of in the internet options section

I’ll be a prude and admit it is a problem at work (I can’t change the internet settings here, locked out).

I don't know if it is possible to stop the default setting where a new page automatically scrolls to the far left rather than where I left it to hide the pictures?

...but that stops you looking at "OK" pics as well
[Edited on 1/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

Fozzie - 1/7/08 at 08:46 AM

Well I did ask nicely on that particular thread......but got totally ignored....

Mind........had the pictures invoked the like of mr piggy pr0n again........ you would all be shouting for removal, and stricter policing, and no doubt me without sleep for a few nights fending the likes of him from the site!

Double standards there I think.

Why should people have to turn off pictures on their computers?
The members of this site rely on pictures a lot when building their cars.........

If the girly pics are your 'thing' then sign up to another site which do allow such things, and the inevitable disgusting remarks....

But keep a car builders forum as just that....

I think some people forget that when they change their avatars, it isn't just for that thread, it appears on all of that persons posts past and present, well its either that or they just don't care what problems it could cause other users of the site.

Or.... whether or not this site gets banned by educational establishments because of its content.........

It's not about being prudish.....far from it.....but no doubt certain people will see it like that......sad.......


iank - 1/7/08 at 08:48 AM

^^^ Agree

Paul TigerB6 - 1/7/08 at 09:07 AM

So where do you draw the line then??? Our very own site owner has a rather nice animated girly for his avatar so seems this really needs clarification from the top.

Any comments from ChrisW and Fozzie on this??

D Beddows - 1/7/08 at 09:18 AM

TBH I personally think Chris should change his too - I know it's his site and everything but.......

There are double standards everywhere with this...... judging from various historical events on this forum if Fozzie (just for example) decided to change her avatar to an animated GIF of some bloke in just his pants bouncing his bits about there would be a HUGE outcry

chrsgrain - 1/7/08 at 09:21 AM

I don't think there should be a 'line drawn' or any guidance / rules - you can always get round rules if you try hard enough (!)

Just think - would you as a teacher in a (overly) PC environment want your students looking at the pictures.... if not, don't put them up..... that sort of threshold will keep the site usable by schools and by the rest of us at work.... everyone happy!


PS. Changed mine as I felt like a 'change' anyway.... subtle political commentary is more my style!

[Edited on 1/7/08 by chrsgrain]

RazMan - 1/7/08 at 09:23 AM

ChrisW's avatar is a little cheeky but far from porn don't you think?

Having said that, I have to agree that avatars should really be kept on a car theme (imo of course), after all we are a car based club are we not? As already mentioned in this thread, there is a time and place for girly pics and some of the avatars on here can unwittingly cause some embarassment when viewed 'over the shoulder' and get taken out of context.

Imagine what swmbo would say if Fozzie changed her avatar to a picture of a NAKED Steve McQueen - are there many gay car clubs?

You get my drift?

[Edited on 1-7-08 by RazMan]

mistergrumpy - 1/7/08 at 09:25 AM


an animated GIF of some bloke in just his pants bouncing his bits about there would be a HUGE outcry

Image deleted by owner

Says who?

Fozzie - 1/7/08 at 09:42 AM


At least my avatar is on a car theme......Steve in a race suit, at Le Mans...asking for 2 sugars in his coffee.......after a long race.....

A naked Steve McQueen......hmmm no,...the attraction is in the intrigue and mystery of not knowing.......

ChrisW's avatar?????.......

the young lady has her T-shirt on..... not even a glimmer of cleavage to be seen!

nowt is bouncing about.....

there's just a glimmer of midriff.....

the sauciness is what your mind is telling you...what she 'might' be going to do, because there is nowt to be seen!

I think chrisgrain just about sums it up.....


Jon Ison - 1/7/08 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Well I did ask nicely on that particular thread......but got totally ignored....


<<<<< Did you ? Get ignored that is ?

Fozzie - 1/7/08 at 10:07 AM

jon ison............<<<<< Did you ? Get ignored that is ?


After I replied on the other thread, you changed your avatar from the blond in white.... to an oriental young lady crawling along a carpet.......


Hammerhead - 1/7/08 at 10:09 AM

Originally posted by chrsgrain
PS. Changed mine as I felt like a 'change' anyway.... subtle political commentary is more my style!

20 months in 09! cool.

Macbeast - 1/7/08 at 10:25 AM

Fozzie, I don't think you were ignored. I imagine most people did like me, agreed with the sentiments and made a note to watch it in future. Some of the more flagrant pictures disappeared soon after.

I have to say I have never liked Chris's avatar, not because it's saucy but because it's just unpleasant. It's like the papers who always pick a picture of a sportsman scowling and aggressive with bared teeth - today's Andy Murray for example.

Image deleted by owner

On the other hand, the 01/20/09 and Jon's latest are too subtle for me

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 10:45 AM

girly avatars? what about...


think of the children...

Image deleted by owner

[Edited on 1/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

Fozzie - 1/7/08 at 10:56 AM

Macbeast.....thank you!

Whippy-ness.......please tell me what is soooo shocking about asking for 2 sugars in your coffee?.........apart from tooth decay/obesity et al.......


Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Macbeast.....thank you!

Whippy-ness.......please tell me what is soooo shocking about asking for 2 sugars in your coffee?.........apart from tooth decay/obesity et al.......


oh but to a French member that does not mean two coffee's, remember that advert where guy gives the thumbs up to the (I think it was a Brazilian but could be wrong) restaurant owner?

I got told off for having Bush as hitler in my avatar (notice how I leave his name in lower case, I spit on it too just to make sure) by a member in another country who found it offensive, hence I removed it and now is Ming.

Not being picky like.

Fozzie - 1/7/08 at 11:19 AM

......Not being picky like.

Corse not!


bartonp - 1/7/08 at 11:40 AM


David Jenkins - 1/7/08 at 11:53 AM

I agree with these sentiments - I work in an open office, my viewing of this forum is tolerated (but not officially approved), and the IT support guys and gals sit behind my chair!

If one of them took exception to something on my screen, or received a complaint from one of the many women in the office, then this site would be rapidly blacklisted on our network.

Anyway, I think that some of the funny avatars are brilliant, and the car ones are often interesting, so the perv ones aren't really necessary.

I can't use Firefox at work unfortunately (adblock is a wonderful way of blocking dodgy pictures) as we're a Microsoft-oriented development house. Would be nice if IE had a way of blocking individual images...


P.S. bartonp - yours is one of the worst for attracting the wrong sort of attention!

[Edited on 1/7/08 by David Jenkins]

RoadkillUK - 1/7/08 at 11:56 AM

All those folks at work complaining that they might get into trouble for viewing LB, get to work and browse at home

I dunno, folks these days

pewe - 1/7/08 at 12:15 PM

Now for a history lesson:- Lord Denning Master of the Rolls (top legal guy to the uninititated) used to draw his judgements as to whether something was/was not acceptable to "the man on the Clapham omnibus".
It's the same on here - basically it's a car based forum so anything car based aimed at car enthusiasts should be acceptable.
If you want t*ts and b*ms there are, as others have said, plenty of other sites.
Here endeth the lesson.
Cheers, Pewe

flak monkey - 1/7/08 at 01:18 PM

This has been brought up many times but nothing has yet been enforced.

IMHO It would be boring if everyone was forced to have a car based avatar just because its a car site.

Perhaps a few people need to take a chill pill. Theres a limit, yes, and I dont think (other than the odd exception) that its pushed very often. Most people (men or women) are very unlikely to be offended by a bit of cleavage, or a pic of a pretty girl/lady.

Maybe the 'youngsters' have different views to the 'elders' (not the trees!). But then you cant please everyone.

*Come to think of it, I am sure some of the people complaining have more than once commented on my avatars in a positive light...

[Edited on 1/7/08 by flak monkey]

DaveFJ - 1/7/08 at 01:21 PM


Your avatars have to stay! Thats and order!

owelly - 1/7/08 at 01:35 PM

Many of you will recall the bother I got into at work a couplke of years ago. The problem was 'use of the internet for non-work related business'. It was entirely my fault for upsetting the boss in the first place but at my industrial hearing, the only evidence they could produce from the IT guys were the avatar images from Locostbuilders. These were printed out with the times and dates I 'accessed' these images. As I was accessing these images dozens of times each time I logged on to LB, it looked very dodgy!
In the end, I got to keep my job by having a very switched on union rep who stated that for an image to be offensive, I had to have offended someone. As there was no-one who had been directly offended by my actions (ie, I hadn't distributed these images), then I couldn't be sacked for 'improper use' etc.

Again, it was my fault for upsetting the boss in the first place and working nightshifts, my internet use stuck out like a sore weener.
You can put what you like in your avatars now as I no longer use the tinterweb at work..........

RK - 1/7/08 at 02:29 PM

I don't know what you lot do for a living but I actually work at work.

mr henderson - 1/7/08 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast

I have to say I have never liked Chris's avatar, not because it's saucy but because it's just unpleasant.

I agree. As far as I am concerned she can keep her stuff to herself.


chrisg - 1/7/08 at 03:53 PM

Work for yourself - the boss is much nicer!

I don't really have an opinion on the sexy avatars - I don't mind but, as I say I have no one to answer to regarding my internet access, but I don't agree that they must be car related.

This is a "fun" place and I like to think that the avatars reflect your personality.

(Some of you are very sick puppies indeed!)



martyn_16v - 1/7/08 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I can't use Firefox at work unfortunately (adblock is a wonderful way of blocking dodgy pictures) as we're a Microsoft-oriented development house. Would be nice if IE had a way of blocking individual images...

Can you fiddle with the proxy settings on your work machines or are you locked out? The Proxomitron should be able to block specific images, in fact with a bit of thinking i'm sure a rule can be created to block all avatars but leave posted images.

Of course it'd be easier if you could choose in your forum settings whether you want them shown or not, then everyone can be happy.

David Jenkins - 2/7/08 at 07:57 AM

Firefox isn't blocked, it's just that using it would not be a good career move, and liable to cause criticism...

martyn_16v - 2/7/08 at 06:50 PM

The Prox acts as a proxy server, so will work with any browser, including IE.

t.j. - 2/7/08 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by Fozzie
Macbeast.....thank you!

Whippy-ness.......please tell me what is soooo shocking about asking for 2 sugars in your coffee?.........apart from tooth decay/obesity et al.......


oh but to a French member that does not mean two coffee's, remember that advert where guy gives the thumbs up to the (I think it was a Brazilian but could be wrong) restaurant owner?

I got told off for having Bush as hitler in my avatar (notice how I leave his name in lower case, I spit on it too just to make sure) by a member in another country who found it offensive, hence I removed it and now is Ming.

Not being picky like.

So I would say it is a world-wide forum so you just can't use every avatar.
It is just forbidden in NL an D to use the Swastika. I think avatars can be across a line.

Reading some thread I have to scroll faster to prevent comment from my kids and wife
So i think that is where the line is...

Let your wife, kids or mum look at your avatar and judge if it can or not.
(man...are we lost in a women's world ?)

David Jenkins - 2/7/08 at 08:35 PM

I wouldn't want to turn all the avatars off - quite a number of them make me smile, and others are interesting. It's just the combination of large images, girlie pics and (often) moving images that catch the eye - usually of the people you don't want.

Maybe a simpler answer is to strictly limit the size of the avatars - a nubile young girl won't attract attention from a distance if the image is small. Some other forums I visit won't accept avatar images over a specified size - they just don't get uploaded.

This would also address the other problem we often get on this site - gigantic avatars that fill half the screen!

Fozzie - 2/7/08 at 09:22 PM

In Control Panel/Options, there is a 'help' page....when you first sign up to a site, it is usual to familiarise yourself with how the site works........

If you did this, and click on 'How do I get a picture under my name'
avatar linky

^ ^ for the lazy among you....

It does state 'under 150 pixels wide'..... or check with admin ....

Unfortunately, when people sign up they don't bother looking at that...and just post...''....

I have made the request on site a few times , and people do reduce them...sadly a few don't...

Fozzie (Admin)

David Jenkins - 2/7/08 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie

It does state 'under 150 pixels wide'..... or check with admin ....

Unfortunately, when people sign up they don't bother looking at that...and just post...''....

Erm... your avatar is slightly wider than 150 pixels Fozzie!

Ok - it's 155 pixels - only teasing!

RazMan - 2/7/08 at 09:39 PM

Oooh 'eck .... you've done it now !! Run people, run for your lives

Fozzie - 2/7/08 at 09:49 PM

.......Erm... your avatar is slightly wider than 150 pixels Fozzie!

Ok - it's 155 pixels - only teasing!

S'ok David........ I checked with admin....


David Jenkins - 3/7/08 at 07:57 AM

Originally posted by martyn_16v
The Prox acts as a proxy server, so will work with any browser, including IE.

I can't load unapproved software either - it may well be good enough to be approved, but justifying it may be... tricky.

richijenkin - 3/7/08 at 01:43 PM

Originally posted by RoadkillUK
All those folks at work complaining that they might get into trouble for viewing LB, get to work and browse at home

Lol... too right, get back to work!!!!
Its not as if its even hardcore porn. This is afterall a kitcar forum not a librarians forum.
