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How to show that I am married.......
trogdor - 16/10/08 at 10:24 AM

Hi again,

I am looking for some ideas and possibly for some good leads.

I got married this year in Feb on the 29th, but i am having problems with wearing my wedding ring, I knew my skin reacted badly to cheap plastic watches and rings but i have found out it will also react to gold rings too.

Well i don't react to the gold but the sweat that collects under it. After a couple months I had to take the ring off because I had open sores around my finger, not nice.

Anyway I really want there to be some way that shows I'm married, some peeps have said wear the ring on a necklace around your neck. Theres two probs with that, one its abit lord of the rings and two I think i would also have a reaction eventually there too.

So if anyone has any ideas that would be great, but my main plan is to get a tattoo where my ring would be on my finger, basically my wifes name and the date is the idea. I would be able to cover it up with my ring if needed.

However I have been to two tattoo parlours, and neither are keen to tattoo the finger, its difficult to do apparently though i have seen piccies of tattooed fingers on the web. So If anyone knows a good tattoo place that would do fingers in the north west or elsewhere then i would appreciate it.

Many thanks

Hammerhead - 16/10/08 at 10:29 AM

My finger didn't like being married and I got sores under where the ring sits. I just pushed through the discomfort and now it's fine. Took a year or so to be ok.

My ring is platinum so don't know if this is less reactive. I reckon it's just the sweat ducts getting blocked and then blistering, which you then itch which breaks the skin. Sounds right?

Mr Whippy - 16/10/08 at 10:32 AM

I think the tattoo is a very good idea tbh, never though of that

considering where some people get tattoo's a finger doesn't sound difficult at all amazed they have objected

Originally posted by Hammerheadit's just the sweat ducts getting blocked and then blistering, which you then itch which breaks the skin. Sounds right?

oh gross

[Edited on 16/10/08 by Mr Whippy]

trogdor - 16/10/08 at 10:33 AM

Thats the kind of thing, I took my ring off about 4 months ago and its only really finished healing now, still not quite there yet.

Not sure if i would be able to push through it it got really bad, was abit worried about my finger!

Stott - 16/10/08 at 10:36 AM

my wedding ring is palladium (like platinum) and a court cut so it's 'rounded' on the underside, (oval in section) and I find it's great. Apparantly palladium is the most hypoallergenic material, although I only got it cos it's hard and doesn't require plating ever.

The court cut also doesn't allow for sweat and dirt build up like a d section ring does

Hammerhead - 16/10/08 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Stott
my wedding ring is palladium (like platinum) and a court cut so it's 'rounded' on the underside, (oval in section) and I find it's great. Apparantly palladium is the most hypoallergenic material, although I only got it cos it's hard and doesn't require plating ever.

The court cut also doesn't allow for sweat and dirt build up like a d section ring does

yeah, mines oval aswell, i guess less surface area touching the finger also works.

r1_pete - 16/10/08 at 10:47 AM

Drill cooling holes in you ring

No I know thats not at all helpfull, but locost and almost on a car theme....

Mr Whippy - 16/10/08 at 10:52 AM

Originally posted by r1_pete
Drill cooling holes in you ring

No I know thats not at all helpfull, but locost and almost on a car theme....

or get a wavy ring like brake disks so dirt and sweat is swept off when it rotates

like this in gold...

[Edited on 16/10/08 by Mr Whippy]

nick205 - 16/10/08 at 10:55 AM

I have a Titanium wedding band which is also court cut (not that I knew the term for it before now). Very very light and no build up of sweat behind it either. Might be worth lookin for an alternative material and/or desin of ring.

I'm not surprised the tattoists are shying away from your finger. I think you'll struggle to find a reputable artist who'll mark above the collar or below the cuff.

I have tatoos elsewhere, but personally I wouldn't consider adding names, dates etc, especially to such visible parts of the body.

ken555 - 16/10/08 at 10:56 AM

Heatshrink on you finger might work

trogdor - 16/10/08 at 11:01 AM

oooh there are some interesting thoughts there!

I have spoken to a few tattooists including ones recommended to me and they don't do fingers for serveral reasons,

They don't like doing tattoos anywhere permanently visible unless you have some already.

And apparently tattoos on the fingers are very likely to fade and break up within a few months. So they couldn't guarantee it.

My ring is a flat band so maybe a oval crosssection one would be better. Not keen on changing the ring tho.

02GF74 - 16/10/08 at 11:02 AM

how to show you are married?

take out your wallet and show its contents!!

tattoo with name on finger is only a good idea if wife no.2 and no.3 will have the same name, which is quite unlikely statistically.

smart51 - 16/10/08 at 11:07 AM

I stopped wearing my wedding ring after about a year because it annoyed the hell out of me. For the last 11 years, I just haven't worn one. I'm no less married without it.

trogdor - 16/10/08 at 11:08 AM

Yeah some other people have said names are not a good idea, but thats what butchers knives are for! or more realistically a burn removal thing.

TBH i am really struggling finding a artist that will do it. Not sure what to do about it, I am considering getting a tattoo around my wrist maybe?

eznfrank - 16/10/08 at 11:12 AM

I have a titanium ring too with no problems. I also have a few tattoos - which by the way can be very addictive - anyway I think with tattooing fingers the problem is that to get the details the writing has to be so fine that it's a bit too tricky to do and make it last.

omega0684 - 16/10/08 at 11:21 AM

how about a t-shirt that says I'M MARRIED! sorry couldn't resist.

why not just not wear a ring, there is no law that says you have to. (unless the wife is the town marshall of course)

smart51 - 16/10/08 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by trogdor
My ring is a flat band so maybe a oval crosssection one would be better. Not keen on changing the ring tho.

Go to a jeweler (not just a jewelery retailer) and ask about having a bevel or radius polished onto the inner side.

Is your ring 9 carat or 18 carat? You might be better off with 22 or 24 carat gold. 9 carat gold is mostly copper, having only 37.5% gold content.

balidey - 16/10/08 at 11:26 AM

Red dot in the centre of the forehead

Also heard of (possibly old wives tale) of spraying a ring with hair spray before putting it on.

How about a necklace with it on?

One of those plastic fashion victim wrist bands saying 'married'

Look at other womens breasts / arse

[Edited on 16/10/08 by balidey]

[Edited on 16/10/08 by balidey]

PeterW - 16/10/08 at 11:31 AM

you probably have a nickel allergy.

you can be tested by a dermatologist for this, and if you are then either a platinum or other rare metal ring is the way forward.

just a word of caution though, I crushed my wedding ring onto my finger lifting an engine and I managed to get it off before my finger swelled up. I have been warned that the current fashion for titanium rings gives a few issues in hospitals when they try and cut them off in these circumstances....



omega 24 v6 - 16/10/08 at 11:38 AM

I've been married nigh on 25 years and have hardly ever worn my wedding ring. Mostly due to safety and work reasons. It now has not fitted me for over 15 years.
People will know you are married without it. The signs are easily spotted
1 You look downtrodden
2 You easily angered
3 You can't make your own mind up
4 You've no money (of your own)
5 You need permission to buy anything car related

liam.mccaffrey - 16/10/08 at 11:45 AM

interesting thread, I have a related problem

i have a white gold ring which requires rhodium plating every 18 months or so, I also have our names and the date engraved around the inside.

Heres the problem, since i got sick i have lost maybe 4 1/2 stone and the ring flies off when ever i wave my hand. Normally jewelers can take a ring in, they all have a "join" which can be desoldered and resized. The engraving is right over the join though.

I'm left with a ring im frightened to wear and im not sure what to do. I dont really want a new one

02GF74 - 16/10/08 at 11:49 AM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
interesting thread, I have a related problem

Heres the problem, since i got sick i have lost maybe 4 1/2 stone and the ring flies off when ever i one-to-one moment with myself.

I'm left with a ring im frightened to wear and im not sure what to do. I dont really want a new one

duck tape?

or like this.

[Edited on 16/10/08 by 02GF74]

Agriv8 - 16/10/08 at 11:53 AM

I had the Same problem here I just take it off every night at the same time as the watch and all seems fine ( well the last 4 years anyway ).

If I keep it on for more that a week my skin under the ring will go very red and start itching & peeling

My Mate who is a BIG spanners mechanic for a recycling Company wares his on a chain arround his neck.



trogdor - 16/10/08 at 12:14 PM

It is possible i have a nickel allergy as my sister has been tested for it and it came back positive, her reaction is much worse tho.

I also now can't wear belts with metal in them as it causes a reaction too. Am wearing a camera strap at the mo

My ring is a 18 caret white gold, which i think means it rhodium plated? It is scuffed already, I didn't like taking it off as i was paranoid i would lose it. So i wore it while working on the car, not a good idea.

There are some good ideas here, really appreciate it, plus the comedy ones too!

Paul TigerB6 - 16/10/08 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by trogdor

I got married this year in Feb on the 29th

Cunning plan!! So your 1st wedding aniversary is in 2012!!! Great LocostBuilders thinking there - more money for cars rather than poxy presents for the missus!!!

Must remember that one if i find a girl dumb enough to marry me!!

[Edited on 16/10/08 by Paul TigerB6]

mad4x4 - 16/10/08 at 12:23 PM

Wear the Wedding Ring on a Chain round your neck rather than on the finger - Suggested this to a mate who can where his offshore and didn;t want to get it dammaged with manual labour

trogdor - 16/10/08 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by trogdor

I got married this year in Feb on the 29th

Cunning plan!! So your 1st wedding aniversary is in 2012!!! Great LocostBuilders thinking there - more money for cars rather than poxy presents for the missus!!!

Must remember that one if i find a girl dumb enough to marry me!!

[Edited on 16/10/08 by Paul TigerB6]

Hehehe yes that was a cunning plan!

but the serious side of the idea was that every 4 years we would do something special, like for our first year anniversary we would go to the London Olympics. Though am not sure if we should leave eating our saved bit of the wedding cake until then.....

MikeR - 16/10/08 at 12:33 PM

why not get a large knife and cut through the skin where the ring is, pull the skin down a bit (this may hurt a little, i'd suggest getting drunk first).

Then go to hospital, they'll pull the skin back up and stitch it together. you'll then get a scar to wear instead!

Ok perhaps not the best idea.

didn't know about the O section rings or the issue with titanium ones. interesting thread.

Why not go to a jewellery maker and ask them for advice? I know the one by me is more than happy to discuss things with you (cause its work at the end of the day).

davidinhull - 16/10/08 at 12:35 PM

Sure I'll get slated for this, but I stopped wearing my wedding ring when my wife buggered off, would have been tricky to do that with a tattoo, I'm sure you're not considering that so soon after marraige, but neither was I right up to the shock announcment

UncleFista - 16/10/08 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by PeterW
I have been warned that the current fashion for titanium rings gives a few issues in hospitals when they try and cut them off in these circumstances....



They'd need something industrial to remove my Tungsten one then

DarrenW - 16/10/08 at 01:20 PM

Id say just dont wear your ring, or reserve it for nights out etc like other precious jewellery. Its quite common for some people to not wear a ring for legitimate reasons.

i took a while to get used to mine but didnt have a reaction. I am in the habit of moving the ring every now and again to clean hands fully then make sure skin is dried correctly.

afj - 16/10/08 at 01:31 PM

i dont wear my wedding ring as its likly to get damaged at work so i had one tattoo'd on. still looks good after 5 years. its a bit like a tribel band

oldtimer - 16/10/08 at 02:03 PM

Forget the ring, just have "Yes Dear" tattooed on your forehead.

Maybe you are too newly married to have the characteristic hunched shoulders of the long term wed.

chrisg - 16/10/08 at 02:07 PM

Have it put through your nose, she'll be leading you about anyway!

Remember - marriage is an institution, and who wants to live in an institution?



davidinhull - 16/10/08 at 02:56 PM

More sensibly painting the inside of the ring periodically with clear nail varnish will work

(also has the bonus of not being a permanent tattoo - I'm still pessimistic!)

smart51 - 16/10/08 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by trogdor
My ring is a 18 caret white gold, which i think means it rhodium plated?

From Wikipedia:

"White gold is an alloy of gold and at least one white metal, usually nickel or palladium." "White gold is an alloy of gold and at least one white metal, usually nickel or palladium."

"About one person in eight has a mild allergic reaction to the nickel in some white gold alloys when worn over long periods of time. A typical reaction is a minor skin rash.[1] White gold alloys made without nickel are less likely to be allergenic."

Vindi_andy - 16/10/08 at 03:03 PM

Have you thought about Henna tattoos.

I know they arent permanent but you may find the artists slightly more acceptable to they idea because of this.

Might just need to be a tribal pattern as I dont think they would be able to get the fine detail needed for a name

zilspeed - 16/10/08 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
Drill cooling holes in your ring


I have seen many many weird suggestions on Locostbuilders but that is one bit of advice I for one won't be following...

johnston - 16/10/08 at 04:09 PM

Seen a fella with a perment wedding band on his finger...

The legacy of shorting out the HT circuit on an outboard!!!! maybe one to try

alister667 - 16/10/08 at 04:14 PM

Is there any question this forum cannot answer??


K999NNY - 16/10/08 at 04:25 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
I've been married nigh on 25 years and have hardly ever worn my wedding ring. Mostly due to safety and work reasons. It now has not fitted me for over 15 years.
People will know you are married without it. The signs are easily spotted
1 You look downtrodden
2 You easily angered
3 You can't make your own mind up
4 You've no money (of your own)
5 You need permission to buy anything car related

in relation to 6 - Have you stopped having a birthday?

davidinhull - 16/10/08 at 04:39 PM

And christmas

omega 24 v6 - 16/10/08 at 04:52 PM

It would appear so. Good job I'm a manual worker

Alan B - 16/10/08 at 05:32 PM

I'm puzzled why you would WANT to show you are married.....doesn't it make it harder to pull?..

Never had or worn a ring ever, but I don't feel the slightest less-married because of it.

MikeR - 16/10/08 at 06:00 PM

quite a few blokes in our old office all decided to stop wearing a ring on one day.

The day another bloke got his caught in the door handle when rushing, the ring cut into his skin, he fell over and ripped all the skin off his finger.

Supposed to be a pretty awful sight - luckily i didn't see it.

stevebubs - 16/10/08 at 06:22 PM

Try rubbing some sudocrem (baby nappy cream) on your finger prior to putting your ring on.

NigeEss - 16/10/08 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by MikeR

he fell over and ripped all the skin off his finger.


Very nasty.

I too get a reaction so only wear mine when going out. Strife doesn't mind.

Meeerrrk - 16/10/08 at 07:01 PM

married you say?
how about this as a tatto, maybe even on your forehead?

clairetoo - 16/10/08 at 07:36 PM

Easy way's to show you are married.....
Have an affair ?
Get a divorce ?
Shoot your mother-in-law ?

Cant do any of those when your single

richard thomas - 16/10/08 at 07:55 PM

Just look generally pained - most other men will recognise the look.

If you are newlywed this might be a struggle at first, but in time you will find it comes naturally.....