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V8 3.5 carb fuel pump query
richardh - 15/12/12 at 10:34 PM

Hi, my saga of stalling looks to be the useless fuel pump I have.
What would you folks recommend for psi on either internal pump or external?
I'm not sure whether to get one from the likes of paddocks or a facet again.
I think I need to run about 6psi at pump which then ends up at the carb as the required pressure in bar.

It's a custom unbafflrd tank too FYI.

mark chandler - 15/12/12 at 11:06 PM

Facet pump to suit a range rover.

Like Range Rover Classic V8 Facet External Electric Fuel Pump

[Edited on 15/12/12 by mark chandler]

rusty nuts - 16/12/12 at 08:22 AM

Had problems with Facet pumps in the past, it's normally down to a blocked pre filter, the one that screws into the inlet of the pump. Try using a normal screw in union and a disposable fuel filter before fitting a new pump. Internal pumps ( in tank) are normally for injection systems

scudderfish - 16/12/12 at 10:56 AM

You can't have the original, I'm still using it I don't know exactly what it is (too covered in crap and in a very awkward location), but it is a cube and I believe Facet. Something like this :-

The Engine Tuning Shop

[Edited on 16/12/12 by scudderfish]

wilkingj - 16/12/12 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
Had problems with Facet pumps in the past, it's normally down to a blocked pre filter, the one that screws into the inlet of the pump. Try using a normal screw in union and a disposable fuel filter before fitting a new pump. Internal pumps ( in tank) are normally for injection systems

+1 for pre pump fuel filter.

Saves a whole load of grief with the pump further down the line.
False economy NOT to do it. Even a cheap £2 paper in line one will do.

I cleaned mine out before I sold the Viento, and it surprised me how little there was in it after 6 years. However, thats still a little bit of crap that didnt get into the pump.

02GF74 - 16/12/12 at 03:26 PM

Facet solid state works fine - they are push type pumps so need to sit low.

use a filter before it - I have metal type that has got clogged up in the past (Land rover with diry fule tank, since cleaned out) so I just removed it, tapped it on a wooden sruface, lost of crud came out, refitted it and off it goes (think the metal type has a wire gauze as opposed to paper filter type element.)

richardh - 16/12/12 at 04:34 PM

Cheers, my carter one is dying and the facet I had was only 3psi lol
Just ordered a new facet