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Type 9 spares - compatibility
Nitrogeno25 - 4/2/13 at 10:03 PM

Where I live type 9 are almost extinct so spares are very hard to get. Browsing the burton's online catalogue that some parts of the type 9 are shared with the BC FWD box (synchros). Is there any other part in common like gears? I know bearings are not.

Thank you very much!

Paul Turner - 5/2/13 at 09:36 AM

Without the benefit of a price catalogue in fornt of me from memory the only parts that are common to both are a couple of syncros and associated blocker bars.

Gears are definitely different.

Bearings are standard industry stuff, just need part numbers or get supplier to match original.

But since the BC (FWD) box has been extinct since the mid 90's (only a couple of years after the type 9) I cannot see why parts would be easier to get for that than the Type 9.

There are many specialists in the UK who sell parts for the Type 9. Steve Perks at SPC 01527894232 has new gearsets manufactured (Burton buy them from him). He also has the mainshafts refurbished.

A well built type 9 is a good gearbox and used sensibly (not rushing the syncros) will last for many years. My current Type 9 has been in since 2001 and the only problem was a cracked rear housing which was obviously there when BGH built it. Still works perfectly and has had up to 208 bhp through it.

But I have 3 spare boxes for a rainy day.