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Where to buy converter
K999NNY - 30/9/08 at 08:52 PM

Hi there

I have an etb digidash and a 1600 crossflow. The difference in the size for the water temp sensor for the digidash and that of the engine is quite big. Anyone know of where I can buy an adapter to connect them. Any web links would be greatly appreciated.


twybrow - 30/9/08 at 09:31 PM

A bit vague... How about some sizes?

Paul (Notts) - 1/10/08 at 06:19 AM

Link above to ETB -they sell diff size sensors and also the adaptors to fit other thread sizes, Give them a call and they will sort you out.


K999NNY - 1/10/08 at 08:45 AM

Cheers Paul, I should have thought about checking out ETB. After all, they did make the sensor in the first place.

Cheers for the help.