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Member List. Whats going on.
907 - 20/6/16 at 05:49 AM

Years ago, just to see if there were any new members, possibly local to me, I used to have a peek at the member list now and then.

Don't know why, but I clicked on it just now.


Pages and pages (I stopped looking after 15 ) of new members, all with web sites, but not one with a location.
All with strange unbelievable names a bit like call centres when the bloke says in far eastern accent, "Hello,
my name is John."

So it must be some sort of scam, and to be honest I don't feel that comfortable with it.

Will they all disappear after the EU referendum? ( When we vote out )

Can we have our own referendum?

Is this a car building website or not?

Does anyone care?
Probably not.

Paul G

scimjim - 20/6/16 at 06:33 AM

They should disappear quite quickly (to be replaced by new ones) if Chris's script is still running

r1_pete - 20/6/16 at 02:26 PM

If you sort the list by post numbers you get down to about 20 - 30 or so pages of active members, just click posts in the list headings.