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Pinto to Zetec conversion cost
sonic - 14/6/16 at 08:34 PM

As title really

Toying with the idea as a winter project of converting my Pinto engine Indy to a 2Ltr Zetec

What would I need and cost ?

Engine mount
Exhaust manifold
Wiring I would have to get somebody else to do as electrics are not my strong point, cost?
Engine, new ones seam reasonable cost wise

What else ?

big_wasa - 14/6/16 at 08:41 PM

Budget depends on expected power and your ability to make stuff.

Cost from very little to thousands.

madteg - 14/6/16 at 08:43 PM

Go for a black top its a better engine than silver top

sonic - 14/6/16 at 08:56 PM

Thinking of keeping it standard to start with and upgrading over time, std they are about 135 bhp I think

chris - 14/6/16 at 09:07 PM

got a zetec blacktop 2ltr with engine mounts and 1.8 flywheel that may be for sale
it was running bike carbs with megajolt ECU and was rolling roaded and produced 150bhp
got a few other bits that may also be for sale

[Edited on 14/6/16 by chris]

chris - 14/6/16 at 09:16 PM

as for the parts needed to start from scratch
engine mounts
exhaust manifold
induction manifold and carbs or TB
fuel pump
flywheel 1.8 OR 2LTR
starter motor
and zetec engine
shortened sump

joneh - 15/6/16 at 11:43 AM

body work may be required as the exhaust will be swapping sides...

hughpinder - 15/6/16 at 11:55 AM

You don't need an ecu/throttle bodies unless you want to get big power -search for big_wasa for information on using the standard ecu. Alternator depend on what will fit - you may be able to use standard if you can make brackets.

Dick Axtell - 15/6/16 at 12:10 PM

Having changed from Xflow to silvertop Zetec, I have no doubt whatsoever that it'll cost you more than your initial budget!!

[Edited on 15/6/16 by Dick Axtell]