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BMW based locost
locostmonkey - 7/11/05 at 01:15 AM

Hello I'm currently in the planning stage of building a BMW 325e based locost. I have found references here and there on building a locost with a BMW 4 cylinder and the occasional straight 6 like mine (M20).

I wouldn appreciate hearing from anyone who has done it with a straight 6. I was planning on building a McSorley +442 chassis. Does anyone know how the Vuento sp? chassis compares to a McSorley+442?

I found pictures posted here of a "Z7 locost" Does anyone here know who the builder is? I'd love to be in touch with him/her.

Any words of encouragement or posts/pics that might be BMW and locost related would be appreciated.


The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Hellfire - 7/11/05 at 08:39 AM

Get in touch with Metal Hippy...

He is/was building a straight six BMW based scratch kit.


Metal Hippy - 7/11/05 at 05:03 PM


I just posted a friggin' long reply and forgot to sign in so it's all gone.

I'll post again tonight.

locostmonkey - 8/11/05 at 11:20 AM

Great - I'm looking forward to it. Are you the builder of the "Z7" locost? or is that someone else?

As a side note, I love all of the expressions used from the "other side of the pond" Ballsack alone had me laughing aloud as I wandered around the house.

Can't wait to hear from you Hippy


Marcus - 8/11/05 at 05:21 PM

"Can't wait to hear from Hippy"!!

You don't hear that often!


Metal Hippy - 8/11/05 at 07:06 PM

Watch it Marcus, or I'll set the hounds on you.

I shall post later this evening.. I didn't get chance last night but I will have time later..

And no, I'm not the one building the Z7.

For now I'm using the name M250 Venom, but there's no car to go with it yet..