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More Free Build Wheels - Teesside
MikeFellows - 5/8/11 at 07:11 PM

4 x 14" sierra wheels

tyres have tread but none are the same and i wouldnt drive a car on them

free to good home - collection obviously

MikeFellows - 8/8/11 at 01:00 PM

goign to build wheel heaven at the weekend

David_17 - 8/8/11 at 05:25 PM

Good luck with the sale mate.

I'm from marske too! Small world. Is your build finished? Is it the orange one I keep seeing driving about? Mine's a haynes roadster, white with 2 red stripes.

MikeFellows - 8/8/11 at 08:33 PM

I dont see anyone taking them to be fair, but thought i would ask.

no mines not finished yet, was supposed to be though

give me a shout if you fancy a pint, would love to see your car.


David_17 - 8/8/11 at 08:39 PM

Will take you out for a spin sometime. Getting the tracking re-done this weekend if the weather's ok.