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Free ZZR1100 crank cases
Charlie C - 27/7/17 at 10:41 AM

I have a set of ZZR1100 crank cases with the engine number intact, I cant see anything wrong with them.

I had them to use as an engine cradle template on a old project.

Before I throw them in the scrap bin at the local tip does any want them?

I'm not posting them because I cant be arsed to be honest, I've tried selling them on ebay but no one wanted them.

If anyone can find a good use for them your welcome to collect them from North Worcestershire.


Murdoc - 27/7/17 at 07:17 PM

I would quite like one as an ornament. Wife may disagree. I'm in North Worcestershire too.

Charlie C - 27/7/17 at 08:00 PM

They are yours if you want them