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AmazonFire TV. £49 pre-order offer for Prime Members.
britishtrident - 3/9/14 at 09:37 PM

Amazon have announced the Amazon Fire TV box is about to released in the UK for £79 but between now and Monday it is available to Amazon Prime members for pre-order at £49. The Fire TV Box is a top end TV streaming box comparable or faster than the Apple Tv box or Roku's top end Roku 3 both of which cost £99.. Complete with all the usual Netflix , iPlayer and other ondemand services unlike any of the Roku boxes sold in the UK it has an Amazon Prime Instant Video app

Link to Amaxon Fire TV UK launch article Dailly Main

Staple balls - 4/9/14 at 12:45 PM

Wonder if you could take the 1 month prime trial, buy that and cancel the trial.

britishtrident - 4/9/14 at 01:06 PM

There is a free month Amazon instant video trial comes with Fire TV --- Amazon Instant Video some great US TV series in this respect it is slightly better than the TV series that are on Netflix.
Basically you can cancel anytime before the last day of the trial, but for me it is almost worth it for the free P/P as I buy quite a lot on a Amazon rather ran eBay.

James - 4/9/14 at 02:25 PM


Aren't there cars to be built?

Dingz - 4/9/14 at 06:54 PM

Thats just more money for them that they won't pay tax on!

gremlin1234 - 4/9/14 at 07:20 PM

...Complete with all the usual Netflix , iPlayer and other ondemand services unlike any of the Roku boxes sold in the UK it has an Amazon Prime Instant Video app
this article suggests no iPlayer...

Trev Borg - 4/9/14 at 10:06 PM

I think the £49 is only for new prime members, when i looked on the site it was asking for £79 and I am a prime member.

(insert your joke here)

britishtrident - 5/9/14 at 06:35 AM

I have the annual Prime supscription and the purchase process went through at £49 without any problem.