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Gmail account description
Daimo_45 - 4/4/14 at 12:10 PM

I was going to contact Google or post on the Gmail forum but figured I'd probably get a quicker and more intelligible response here.

I set up a new email address before I moved to Canada specifically for correspondence relating to jobs and accommodation I was applying for separate from my general day-to-day email.

The email is my fullname@gmail but I had to enter an account description when I set it up so I used "Canada". For some reason some recipients of my emails see "Canada" instead of my email address in their "from" column in their inbox. This would not be a major problem but as "Canada" is hugely generic word it's getting filtered by the spam/junk filter.

I've looked everywhere in account settings and there is no email account description box or setting.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

[Edited on 4/4/14 by Daimo_45]

McLannahan - 4/4/14 at 12:38 PM

Is it here?

chrism - 4/4/14 at 02:23 PM

From Gmail go to Settings and then "Accounts and Import"

There should be an option for Send Mail As, there will be a line with your email address and possibly Canada before it, click on edit info the the right to change it.