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Aluminium Sheets - quantity?
tajgreidotu - 2/12/15 at 06:30 PM


Panels time is approaching and taking a look for alu sheets, quite expensive....

Question is, how mu do I need to order for all panels + floor? 3-4 sheets would be enough?

I made some rough counts and should be around 13m² of aluminium. Am I wrong?


Smoking Frog - 2/12/15 at 08:48 PM

If I remember right I used four sheets (2m x 1m x 1.2mm) + Floor. The arches, nose, bonnet and scuttle are fibreglass everything else is aluminium including all internal panels, sides, tunnel, dash etc. also bulkhead and a couple of panels underside.

nick205 - 3/12/15 at 09:37 AM

It is going back a bit, but I did the inside of my MK Indy (less the floor) with 1 sheet of 1m x 2m x 1.2mm Ally sheet. From memory I purchased it from a local fab shop for around £30. They also had a guilotene and chopped it up for me so I could get it in my car for free

907 - 3/12/15 at 11:06 AM

I used 8 2x1's……. but it's OK, I got it right in the end, sort of.

coozer - 3/12/15 at 04:30 PM

Floor, sides bulkhead, tunnel etc on my Striker was 2 x 8x4 sheets. Got them from the local well known window/shop fitter/boarder upperer...

loggyboy - 3/12/15 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Floor, sides bulkhead, tunnel etc on my Striker was 2 x 8x4 sheets. Got them from the local well known window/shop fitter/boarder upperer...

Thats what I was supplied with also for the Striker, but being a smallish chassis I suspect it most 7esqs would need 3.

[Edited on 3-12-15 by loggyboy]

tajgreidotu - 4/12/15 at 03:01 PM

Thank you for your replies guys.

Following your comments, for Floor, side panels, bulkhead, tunnel, bonnet, scuttle, dash and bulkhead I should be looking for 6 sheets of 2x1.

I found a pretty cheap place today,

2*1 (1.5mm) -> 18gbp
2*1 (1mm) ->10gbp

Not sure how that sounds for UK prices, but here is half of my last quote....I guess they feel I'm foreign.
