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dash 2 help please
daniel mason - 13/5/13 at 08:38 PM

since buying the fury i have notice that the etb digi dash2 appears to be doing something strange!
one i turn the ignition on the correct data appears on the screen. oil press,oil temps,water temps and rpm. but after the engine has been running a while the letters DAT appear on the screen and all parameters dissapear, and correct data will not re-appear unless i turn off engine and re start! any ideas?

loggyboy - 13/5/13 at 09:01 PM

Dat is displayed when its connected to a pc. Check the serial port incase its shorting, damp or similar?

mr T - 13/5/13 at 09:11 PM

is it recording data you can turn it of by holding button a down for 2 seconds


daniel mason - 13/5/13 at 09:22 PM

i tried holding each button and got nothing. pushed both and it entered menu settings! there is a data logger in the system though

loggyboy - 13/5/13 at 09:31 PM

Disconnect the logger as the fault maybe in that.