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VW Passat help needed
Humbug - 3/12/12 at 08:57 AM

Hi there - my daily driver is a 1999 VW Passat 1.8SE estate. Yesterday I went out to get some petrol and as soon as I started up, a lowish buzzing/humming sound started. Sounds like it's behind the glove box, so I thought it might be the ECU, but no warning lights are on. Makes no difference if I have the radio on or off, or the Aircon on or off. The frequency of the noise doesn't change with engine or road speed, and is the same from idle upwards. There doesnt seem to be any noticeable problem with the way the car drives or the engine behaves. I started it up this morning and the same thing happens.

Anyone got any ideas what it might be and how to address it? A VW tech with a workshop manual may know?...



Mr Whippy - 3/12/12 at 09:01 AM

Leaves in the heater fan? Turn things off to see when the noise goes away, but my guess is the fan

[Edited on 3/12/12 by Mr Whippy]

Agriv8 - 3/12/12 at 09:14 AM

Interior heater fan is behind there and runns unless unit is OFF. The bushes tend to wear out because it is constantly on.

could be a leaf but would epect the noice to change depending on Fan setting . Easy job to do but you need to take the pasenger air bag out which required double jointed wrists.

German and swedish used to do a replacement for £100 is notes.

ATB agriv8

Humbug - 3/12/12 at 09:39 AM

OK, I'll see what happens with the fan off... thanks

Humbug - 3/12/12 at 10:03 AM

I just went out to check again and I forgot to say before, it is a sort of rhythmic sounds rather than constant. No difference if the fan is turned off

Agriv8 - 3/12/12 at 11:38 AM

from memory there is only the fan behind glove box which is not a big job to remove 5 torx screws from memory I would be iclined to take a look. But if it doing it with the fan off any noises with the bonnet up or is it only while driving?

ATB agri8

Humbug - 3/12/12 at 01:11 PM

I will have a look behind the glove box.. the noise is when the engine's Just went out to try your suggestions and... nothing! no noise, engine runs fine.

Feck! it's annoying when things like this happen, then go away wthout having been diagnosed... I'll just wait for it to happen again.

Thanks for the replies

JAMSTER - 3/12/12 at 01:36 PM

box under carpet pass side. i think body module c/locking, windows,alarm etc etc full of water??????????

Agriv8 - 3/12/12 at 03:17 PM

Originally posted by JAMSTER
box under carpet pass side. i think body module c/locking, windows,alarm etc etc full of water??????????

Second that electric gremlins on Passats due to blocked drain holes on battery bulkhead drain points bad news.

If you have damp carpets front or rear check sooner rather than later.

PSpirine - 3/12/12 at 04:16 PM

My fan on the Passat is making funny noises.. I think it's blocked with leaves (will run on full power on recirc, but on fresh air vent will start up quickly but then slow down and start rumbling).

Don't think there's anything else behind the glovebox that makes noise. Hope it's not the airbag!

Replacement bushes for a motor are £5 on ebay by the way, and you can get genuine VAG fans/motors for £60.