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PATS help
pekwah1 - 5/3/17 at 02:53 PM

Hi all,

I'm just hooking up my blacktop zetec but having some problems with PATS.
At the moment, it won't recognise a valid key.
I took all of the wiring and ecu from the same car (mondeo) so not a case of wrong key etc and I have two keys to choose from.
Once it's finished the fast flashing on the LED, it then goes with a slow 1, 3 which I think means no valid key.

The only thing I can think of is whether I used the original ignition ring bit as I may have got this mixed up with another random one in the garage....
Is the ring transponder reader thing also coded to the key or does this just send messages to the ecu?

Any ideas would be appreciated!


big_wasa - 5/3/17 at 06:08 PM

No not coded but there are differant frequencies used depending on age, they still look the same.

So for a Zetec a silvertop won't work on a Blacktop and visa versa.

[Edited on 5/3/17 by big_wasa]

pekwah1 - 5/3/17 at 06:40 PM

In which case I'm very confused.
The one I've got will definitely be from a similar aged blacktop if it's not the original....

No idea why it doesn't like the keys then, again two to choose from... unless I've done something wrong with the wiring...

big_wasa - 5/3/17 at 07:15 PM

Ecu PIN numbers are for an se.

Is the power suply a switched live or permanent live ? Should be switched.

If you trigger the pats you some times need to disconnect the battery to reset it.

Good earth to the chassis ?

pekwah1 - 5/3/17 at 07:29 PM

thanks wasa, actually already used your guide for the wiring...
At the moment the switched live I'm just running a fly lead direct to the battery for testing.
Earths appear to all be good.