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theconrodkid - 13/12/12 at 08:50 PM

anyone on here work for arriva busses ?,if so,what are they like ?

se7en - 13/12/12 at 08:59 PM

Big vehicles, usually blue, carry people, stop quite often .......

Confused but excited. - 13/12/12 at 11:09 PM

Jeez se7en, get some bacon butties down that lass, if her legs were any thinner they'd snap!

jossey - 14/12/12 at 08:07 AM

They are no good as kit cars if that's ye thought.

CraigJ - 14/12/12 at 05:11 PM

You thinking of driving or in the garage?

I do a lot of work in Arriva garages and they always seem ok but will all depend on which depot you are wanting to work at.

Volvorsport - 14/12/12 at 05:39 PM

fffff , im in london , working on some........its not the place to be london , anywhere else might be different.

im not employed by arriva....

theconrodkid - 14/12/12 at 07:30 PM

cheers for the replies,its just that there is a roumor going round they may be buying my co out.
it,s happened to me 3 times in the past and none of them have been nice

Volvorsport - 14/12/12 at 08:22 PM

who do you work for ?