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Australian woman shoots lightening out her arse!
Pezza - 10/10/06 at 04:08 PM


mandbsheldon - 10/10/06 at 04:46 PM

iank - 10/10/06 at 04:54 PM


Syd Bridge - 10/10/06 at 05:18 PM

Puts a whole new meaning to the term 'mad enough she was fartin' sparks'.

donut - 10/10/06 at 05:26 PM

That's gotta hurt!!

Volvorsport - 10/10/06 at 05:34 PM

holy sh1t

zenarcher - 10/10/06 at 05:43 PM

Thunder Thighs

DIY Si - 10/10/06 at 05:45 PM

I'm never going to complain about a heavy curry again!

Guinness - 10/10/06 at 05:46 PM

Thank god that link doesn't go to You Tube!!!


t.j. - 10/10/06 at 08:04 PM

Wow now that's farting!

zetec7 - 10/10/06 at 08:12 PM

What a pain in the ass! (No cracks from any of you lot, either!...) Good job her mate didn't decide that was a good time to be frisky

rusty nuts - 10/10/06 at 08:15 PM

Bit of a drastic way to treat piles!