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R6's on st manifold
Mark100 - 16/2/16 at 05:51 PM

Spaceing R6 throttle bodies the gaps are small on the right big on the left
does anyone now what the gaps ( spacer size's ) should be in the pics you can see the problem

how do you block the standard injector holes i was going to put the standard injectors and rail back in place but they dont fit
with the new throttles in place

ive made my own adapators for the size diffrence bettween pipe needed to fit the manifold end is 3 mm bigger than the bodies
so ive cut and rubber cemented strips inside the pipe to close the diaminter up
anyone see aproblem doing it this way

DW100 - 16/2/16 at 07:08 PM

You appear to have the throttle bodies on backwards and upside down. The injectors should be point down into the manifold, not out into the air filter.

[Edited on 16/2/16 by DW100]

Mark100 - 16/2/16 at 09:36 PM

ha ha that would acount for the injectors not fitting new something didnt add up ( its been a long day )
the spaceing is still off thow ???

Adamirish - 16/2/16 at 09:41 PM

The arrows on the bottom of the bodies is the direction of air flow. As for spacing I can't help there but I'm sure somebody who has done it before will be along shortly.

Mark100 - 17/2/16 at 05:11 PM

Right second time lucky
a you maybe able to tell its my first time messing with throttle bodies

so is this right

based on these guide pics (soory for nicking it who ever it is on her got it off msn images )

so could i use the st's fuel rail and injectors and blank off the bikes injectors to save haveing to mod a fuel rail

and the spaceing is still all over the place can i just space it however as long as its just straight down the line of all 4
the do the throttle linkage,s to suit ???????????

[Edited on 17/2/16 by Mark100]

Rob Allison - 17/2/16 at 05:38 PM

Just line up and space the throttle bodies to suit the inlet. The injector hole in the throttle bodies can be filled with something like Sikaflex sealant if you want to remove it later or a two part mix E-metal if its permanent.