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Sierra diff pinion nut
JekRankin - 5/6/20 at 06:37 PM

Planning on replacing the pinion oil seal on my Sierra diff this weekend.

Can the pinion lock nut be reused? I'm not entirely sure what kind of lock nut it is - certainly doesn't seem to have a nylon insert.


nick205 - 8/6/20 at 02:39 PM

Not sure what the right words are, but does it have a lip on the nut that you knock into a groove on the ehaft to lock it in place?

When building my MK Indy I replaced the driveshaft seals either side of my donor Sierra diff, but that was it. I've not re-built one so I can't say for sure how it locks.

I'm sure a Haynes manual must tell you if you have the manual?

JekRankin - 9/6/20 at 09:06 AM

So I finally managed to get the nut off - it's a steel nut with a slightly pinched end to provide a grip against the threads. Whatever self-locking ability it once had has completely gone, so I've ordered a replacement.
