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Strobe timing
BenB - 3/2/07 at 10:07 PM

Just working out how to get the timing off the Honda ECU to put it into the Emerald3d.... Want to try and get the timing right without the blower then I'll do closed loop for the fuelling, then I'll retard as the knock sensor dictates once the blower is attached and heating things up a bit....

Reckon a timing wheel on the crank extension should do it with a strobe light on one of the leads... Only question is this- with wasted spark I'm going to get two triggers for each spin of the wheel- do strobe lights have 2:1 built in flip-flops or do I need to make one... or do people just look at the two numbers indicated and work out which one is the real reading....

dmottaway - 4/2/07 at 02:35 AM

Just a quick thought, but it seems to me that both sparks would occur at same point in the cranks rotation. That is, both cylinder #1 and #4 are at TDC at the same time, one is on compression stroke, one on exhaust. So, instead of getting a flash on alternating rotations of the crank, you get one with every rotation, but at the same point every time. Just results in a seemingly brighter flash.

I think.


02GF74 - 4/2/07 at 09:07 AM

without thinking too had (it is Sun am after all) I reckon ^^^^ is right; spark will occur same place on crank, every rotation instead of every 2 rotations.

rusty nuts - 4/2/07 at 09:11 AM

You dont need a timing wheel to check the timing . All you need is a mark on the crank pulley and a fixed reference point. Use a timing light with an adjustable advance and away you go . The only problem is getting the figures when the engine is under load? for that you may need a rolling road?

BenB - 4/2/07 at 11:51 AM

Good point peeps re firing once with every revolution. Not every other. Still getting my head round the 4 stroke cycle

I think the Honda ECU is 2D- it has no way of testing load (ie no TPS or MAP sensor) so I'll get the basic 2D map from the ECU then modify it into 3D....


chriscook - 4/2/07 at 12:56 PM

SOME timing lights with adjustable advance will show twice the actual advance and twice the rpm with wasted spark.