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Author: Subject: help wanted... I think i've reached the 'fed up' stage of my build

posted on 24/1/11 at 10:10 PM Reply With Quote
keep us posted how you get on as when i have earned a few more house points i might be up for a garage day and if i can the kit car as well for a drive out.

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posted on 24/1/11 at 10:55 PM Reply With Quote
Again, lists and music.

My notebook at work is full of car related notes and doodles, because I find I remember things I need to do then forget them just as quick. Tick each off and move on. I always find myself adding to the list though so it never goes away fully! But it's starts to be more a list of nice to haves rather than essentials.

I have all my music on my iPhone and a surround sound setup off my old PC in the garage. Makes a massive difference. Just song along as loudly and badly as you want while you're doing it to let off some steam. NO tv though. That's just a distraction!

Good luck and keep us updated!

I'm unhappy cos I eat and I eat cos I'm unhappy

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Steve Hignett

posted on 24/1/11 at 11:33 PM Reply With Quote
I always used a whiteboard for all my builds.

I write a list when I'm building a car in quite a strange way.

My list would start out with (lets say) a dozen points.

But they would not be extremely detailed. So doing a job on the list would be quite a huge accomplishment.

When I moved further down the list, I found that I had to be more specific so that the jobs were more manageable and therefore easier to tackle and not disheartening to complete mammoth tasks...

For eg;

1. Mount engine

2. Mount bodywork to chek for alignment

would then turn into;

1. Engine
a) plumb rad
b) wire in coils
c) etc

2. Bodywork
a) Cut front susp holes
b) line up scuttle
c) etc

And so on.

Now, it does start to pee you off a bit if you start the day with 11 points to complete, do half of them and your list then has 24 points. But by the time you've slept on it, you realise how much of a step you've taken to completion!

This may not work for you, or anyone else! But it works for me. Well it used too, but I've built a few cars now, and the lists are pretty much in my head! But I do them the same exact way!


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